Watch out!

Watch out! Don’t stand up at death’s door! This message is being conveyed following what this writer encountered once during a journey to Ayer Tenna, Addis Ababa. One Saturday Morning, a person... Read more »

Communication in a Multicultural Country

Multiculturalism implies the diverse perspectives people develop and maintain through varieties of experience. It stems from racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, and class differences in a society. This is reflected in the... Read more »

Rock the vote, Ethiopia! register now, vote on June 5, 2021!

PART II (succession of Friday’s edition) Posted in Al Mariam’s Commentaries) True power comes from the ballot box and convincing ideas My Ethiopian Compatriots: YOU NOW HAVE THE BALLOT IN YOUR HANDS!... Read more »

Covid Vaccine Equity – Developing Countries Need Our Help

A few months ago India was doing relatively well and the U.S. was getting crushed by a devastating second Covid-19 wave. Now it’s the reverse. Public health measures were implemented too sporadically... Read more »

No to conspiracies of anti- Ethiopia extremists, fifth columnists!

BY SOLOMON DIBABA It is regrettable to observe that a section of Ethiopians here and in the diaspora are collaborating with the adversaries of this country to destroy the sovereignty and territorial... Read more »

ROCK THE VOTE, ETHIOPIA! Register Now, Vote on June 5, 2021!

 Part I (Posted in Al Mariam’s Commentaries ) Will you be in the Hall of Fame or carry a badge of shame to your grave? On June 5, 2021, Ethiopia will have... Read more »

No to the conspiracies of anti- Ethiopia extremist politicians and fifth columnists out to destabilize the motherland!

It is regrettable to observe that a section of Ethiopians here and in the diaspora is collaborating with the adversaries of this country to destroy the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the... Read more »

Promoting agricultural investment for stimulating growth

In the last two decades the government showed its commitment for the enhancement of agricultural productivity through attracting investment on agriculture both from local and foreign stake holders. Legal frame works crafted... Read more »

The motive behind the recent escalation of protracted conspiracy on Ethiopia by western powers

It is very interesting to note that Ethiopia’s allies in the western hemisphere are hundreds of times concerned about the relief and rehabilitation and human rights situations in Tigray only. All these... Read more »

The failed final lap strategies: Egypt’s concealed intentions over GERD exposed

Since the foundation for the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has been laid in April 2011, the negotiations concerning the dam have been carried out in the capitals of Ethiopia, Egypt, and... Read more »