No to conspiracies of anti- Ethiopia extremists, fifth columnists!


It is regrettable to observe that a section of Ethiopians here and in the diaspora are collaborating with the adversaries of this country to destroy the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nations. The history of Ethiopia shows that a number of traitors had collaborated with those who wished to dismantle the national integrity of this glorious country.

The whole point boils down to the fact that all conspiracies against this land and its peoples are interconnected and coordinated by a network of global conspirators who wish to impose their polices on the country to fulfill their national interests at the expense of weaker Ethiopia.

Government official reports indicate that they are laboring from dawn to dusk to sabotage the upcoming election and attempt to establish a transition government for which they have prepared their own constitution. It is sad and enraging at the same time to see how they are fitting into the strategic objectives of Sudan and Egypt to sell out their own country into a political slavery.The fifth columnists that are effectively entrenched into government and private institutions are conspiring to kill the leadership of this country by hiring assassins.

I recall that the late Prime Minister Melese Zenawi had repeatedly uttered that Ethiopia had no enemies from without. In a way he is right because the real enemies are those who mingle in the public to sow discord and civil war in Ethiopia. They use catchwords like democracy, freedom and human rights while in practice they have proved themselves to be anti-democratic and anti-freedom and anti-people by fomenting hatred among the peoples of Ethiopia.

Here it is important to notice that Egypt and Sudan are gradually phasing out from the issue of GERD and negotiations into a protracted strategy of weakening and destroying the statehood of Ethiopia. They are keen enough to use their internal collaborators in this scheme because they are already fully aware of the fact that time has betrayed them in their diplomatic efforts to curb the second filling of GERD.

These politically deaf and dump groups lack the intelligence of separating a state from a government. By conspiring against the peoples and government of Ethiopia, they are also working towards attaining political power through insurrections but will end up selling out their own country losing both the mandate to govern the country and the country itself. Their idiosyncratic plot is indeed doomed to failure even before it kicked off.

Regrettably enough, nowadays every Ethiopian here and there are talking about the importance of the unity but only in words. Everybody needs to realize that the mother land is in danger of balkanization and civil war which will definitely spill over into the rest of Africa, near and afar. The situation could be a threat to the AU itself as the role of the continental organization is being belittled by disrespect from Sudan and Egypt.

The media in Sudan and Egypt are already busy bragging about the military preparedness of both countries. Indeed, GERD is only a pretext to their strategic goal of containment and gradual disruption of the social fabric and statehood of this country. This needs to be loud and clear to the collaborators and the international community who are observing the situation.

It is also important to consider that weakening Ethiopia is not a single strategic goal. It is part of the global conspiracy to control the Horn of Africa to assert the power rivalry in the entire continent.

Let us unpack the issue further on. Sudanese claim on the Ethiopian territory of Benishanguel Gumuz is professed by taking into account the current banditry movement by local Gumuz population in the region. Sudan and Egypt are also dreaming but also working on inciting conflict between the Nuers and Anuaks in a cross border setting with South Sudan as a means of provoking some kind of separatist movement as part of the internal conspiracy on the sovereignty of Ethiopia.

The same Machiavellian tactic could be opted for the cross border conflict between Somalia and Ethiopia with reference to actions by renegades who detached themselves from ONLF. The same scheme could dangerously apply to the local conflicts between the population in Afar and Somalia, Somali and Oromia regions of the country.

Recently some attempts are being made to introduce religious issues into the already fragile situation by fanning on claims and counter claims on locations on which religious festivities are conducted through the social media.

Foiling these ill-conceived strategic conspiracies require not only concerted efforts of the federal government but strongly requires very close operational relations between the regional governments.

In addition, this generation needs to think through the big picture of working towards  the practical unity of the peoples of Ethiopia. Unity should not be simply declared but also put into practice by ensuring the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country as well as by contributing to the development programs of the country.

Again, at this point in time, indifference to the challenges of this country is not acceptable and self-defeating. The consequences of the current betrayal will certainly affect every Ethiopian here and abroad. Exchange of blames, insults and immoral rude words over the social media does not bring about the desired results but will only contribute to chains of socio-economic and political crisis that this country does not deserve.

Ethiopia is busy fighting against natural calamities like flood, locust and landslides in several parts of the country. The shortsighted internal conspiracy will backfire on the perpetrators and they will certainly be the first victims of the fratricidal incidents that nobody can control. These conspirators are playing with fire the consequences of which they cannot predict.

Amidst these challenges,Ethiopia is inaugurating industrial parks and ultra-modern roads that connect the country to the rest of Africa. Contrary to the requests made by uninformed five US senators, preparations for the upcoming national election is moving in full speed and has already become unstoppable.

Ethiopia is still vigorously addressing the relief and rehabilitation needs of Tigray while also fighting off terrorists who are trying to obstruct the humanitarian operation in the region. International humanitarian organizations and aid agencies are also working to scale up the relief supply but members of the terrorist group on the run are preventing their kith and kin from receiving the urgently needed supplies.

The Ethiopian farmers are now busy on their belg farms and getting ready for farming in the main rainy season and to cast their ballots on the 6th National Election. The internal fifth columnists and their foreign allies chose this season for intensifying their conspiracy to also disrupt the farming season which is the basis for food security initiatives of the country.

All the more, the Ethiopian peoples are expected to register for voting in the remaining days and appear at the polling stations as a decisive action to silence the local extremists and their lackeys. The road to a national victory accompanied by the successful national election and the second filling of GERD may appear to be torturous but at any cost the peoples of Ethiopia will emerge victorious.

The Ethiopian Herald May 14/2021

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