Time to fully go digital in making payments

At one time in the past the taxi fare in Addis Ababa was 95 cents. Commuters give one birr to the conductor but do not expect him to return five cents change... Read more »

India says DPM Demeke’s visit adds momentum to Ethio-India ties

Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen, who is also Minister for Foreign Affairs, is on official visit to India from 17-19 February 2021. According to information obtained from Indian Embassy in Ethiopia,... Read more »

A centralized infrastructural building system or cost efficiency and economic growth

BY WOSSENDSEGED ASSEFA There are many challenges that Ethiopia’s economy faces, but one of the greatest hinderances is the lack of reliable infrastructure. As the dictionary definition indicates, Infra- means “below;” so... Read more »

Ethiopia should exploit potential of perennial crop seeds

BY ADDISALEM MULAT It is abundantly clear that Ethiopia is one of the countries in the continent of Africa that rely heavily on agriculture. Apart from enhancing the country’s economic, social, and... Read more »

The story of the two Abdelfattahs

 BY MELKAMU TEKLE (melkamutekle@gmail.com) The first is Abdelfattah Egyptian Field Marshal who was born in Cairo. And the second Abdelfattah is a Sudanese Lieutenant General who was born in North of Sudan.... Read more »

The superficiality of economic development in Ethiopia

BY TEKLEBIRHAN GEBREMICHAEL Ethiopia’s reported and apparent economic development is enigmatic. You look at the glitz and flash of the façade of Addis Ababa and you are likely to believe the 11... Read more »

The bottlenecks of Ethiopian over all development

 Ethiopian development seekers and agents at all stratumsshould identify the bottle necks of the nation’s innovation and work accordingly to realize the countries prosperity. Clearly and deeply understanding of the main causes... Read more »

Will Ethiopia be a springboard or a stonewall for GM crops in Africa?

BY TESFAYE SHIFERAWAs a systems agronomist with substantial experience in the Consortium of International Agricultural Research centers (CGIAR) and national research institutions in sub-Saharan Africa, I have followed with interest the recent... Read more »

Why Intellectuals fail to extensively participate in development programs

BY SOLOMON DIBABA  I recently came across media coverage on a conference of Ethiopian professors here and in the diaspora. And a couple of days back a similar meeting of Ethiopian intellectuals... Read more »

The current puzzling Ethio-Sudan relations

 BY JOSEPH SOBOKA  Peaceful coexistence particularly between bordering countries is most cherished by the citizens of both countries. The peaceful and sometimes the turbulent relationship between Ethiopia and Sudan, dates back to... Read more »