A brief view of my educational pursuit in Kenya during trying times

The theory and the practice of education have been around in the history of man since time immemorial. Beginning from the stone-age, may even be before that, as they say, to come... Read more »

The role of patent rights in promoting literary, artistic and industrial innovation

Ethiopia is one of the ancient nations in the world. As such, it has its own peculiar culture, art, custom and way of life. Obelisks, palaces, manuscripts, coins, paintings, jewelries and other... Read more »

Distance celebrations, helping others: Sidama’s New Year Fiche Chambalalla

Last Tuesday Sidama people of Ethiopia had observed the Fichee-Cambalaalla, an event that heralds the ensuing of their New Year. This time the day was observed stripped of the annual colourful mass... Read more »

Desa’a forest remains ever-green amid desertification

Climate change has been threating our planet earth over the last two decades. Ethiopia is one of the climate change-prone countries. Having understood this, the government has zeroed in seeding planting. As... Read more »

Glory to the…

Glory to the Patriots, to those who gave their precious lives as gift to our country’s independence, to our sovereignty and dignity, to our pride and peace. Glory to our Patriots To... Read more »

Cooperation as magic wand of change

Still the world is buckling under the COVID 19 challenges. The pandemic has made peoples’ life dreadful especially for poor countries. But the world is not looking the bad side only. Deploying... Read more »

Polish, Ethiopian researchers discover 1,000-year-old church walls in Ethiopia’s Tigray

A thousand-year-old church’s walls in the Tigray State of Ethiopia have just been excavated by experts from the Polish  Archaeological Science Center, University of Warsaw and their local counterparts. The walls of... Read more »

Ethiopia beseeching the Almighty in fighting out COVID -19

Days are coming and going as usual. But the world is highly challenged by COVID-19. The disease is spreading rapidly across the world and claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands globally.... Read more »

When a hobby becomes a good cause on a rainy day – Tigrai Hiking group

Pandemics are not new to the world. Neither is the Ethiopian culture of helping each other during a tough time such as the novel pandemic corona virus (COVID-19) the deadly virus which,... Read more »

A time of hand washing

The global threat the deadly COVID-19 (coronavirus) posed on the world has created a high tension. The death toll on the wake of the pandemic’s outbreak is ever increasing. Lots of people... Read more »