The art of painting in Ethiopian churches

Historical documents reveal that the art of painting in Ethiopia dates back to the pre-Axumite Empire. There were stone-inscribed pictures since the D’amat empire, which flourished before the Axumite Kingdom. Nevertheless, paintings... Read more »

The role of Idirs, Iqubs, and other social clubs for Peace

The issue of protecting peace is one of the major concerns among the people of Ethiopia to transfer humanity to next generation. Currently, violence is persisting in some parts of the country... Read more »

Keep Walking: The society knows

This is a country walking on a whole a lot of new level of sociopolitical stage. So many things are so different from earlier times in the past couple of years. Despite... Read more »

Universities-headwater of peace

Producing responsible, creative, competent, active participant and productive citizens cannot be effective without the persistent participation of all the concerned bodies. However, higher education institutions have key roles in providing citizens with... Read more »

Trace of Ethiopia in India’s architecture

Ethiopians have never ceased to amuse the world with their all-round historical achievements, particularly on how they made it to the top of world-class architecture, both in and outside Ethiopia. Lalibela, world’s... Read more »

The rewards for Investment on early childhood

Early childhood development (ECD) is one of the most cost effective ways to break the inter-generational poverty cycle. Increasing investment in ECD will bring developing countries like Ethiopia high return by enhancing... Read more »

Reminiscence of Ethiopia in medieval India

Since I came back from India, my friends kept on asking me what fascinated me most about India. I usually tell them a lot about the “Incredible India”. I also tell them... Read more »

Dispute between BGI, Kombolcha Residents

Recently, I was strolling around Kombolcha, a town in the Amhara regional state, toward Werqa River. I saw passersby spitting and cursing in murmur. Suddenly, a bad and disturbing smell triggered me... Read more »

Effectuating youth centers, nurturing youths’ talent

The Global Human Capital Report 2017 indicated that the world is endowed with a vast wealth of human talent. The ingenuity and creativity at our collective disposal provides us with the means... Read more »

“I have realized my dream to bike on water,” Mulugeta G/meskel

One of the most impossible things that human being couldn’t conquer until today is walking on water. That is because of the incapability for violating the rules of nature, that anything that... Read more »