There are more than 440 historical places/buildings have qualified to be registered as heritages in Addis Ababa, according to Addis Ababa Culture and Tourism Bureau. Of them, 17 Museums, 320 historic houses, Churches, caves, squares, 14 monuments, mosques and four palaces are the dominant ones.

  • The Entoto palace, An excitement is waiting in Entoto Museum.

The bed Menelik II used while in Ankober, crown and a Persian carpet are only few of the numerous exhibits depicting Entoto’s glorious past.

  • Genete Leul Palace (“Paradise of Princes”) It was built by Emperor Haile Selassie in 1930. The Museum brings the many diverse ethnic groups of Ethiopia under one roof. The story of life from birth to death, and beyond, and how the different stages of life are viewed and experienced by different ethnic groups in Ethiopia.
  • Emperor Menelik-II (Imperial)Palace Within its confines are several residences, halls, chapels, and working buildings. Today it contains the offices and residence of the Prime Minister of Ethiopia.
  • The Jubilee Palace, now National Palace. Built in 1955 to mark the Silver Jubilee of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haileselassie Selassie. Currently, official residence of the President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Government is building a new official presidential residence to be opened as a museum. Entoto Palace museum and Genete Leul Museum are open for tourists while Emperor Menelik II and Jubilee Palace are not.
  • The National Museum of Ethiopia (NME), found in Amist-kilo, It contains many precious local archaeological finds such as the fossilized remains of early hominids, the most famous of which is “Lucy,” the partial skeleton of a specimen of Australopithecus afarensis. Also a display on Selam, found between 2000 and 2004. This archaic fossil is estimated to date to 3.3 million years ago

. • The Addis Ababa Museum Found on the road to Bole International Airport. It was established in October 1986 on the occasion of the centennial anniversary of the foundation of Addis Ababa as the capital city. At Finfine hall, for example, photographs that depict the progress of the city are exhibited. And at Adwa hall weapons used during the battle of Adwa are displayed.

  • Yekatit 12 Martyrs monument It is a monument commemorating victims of Italian reprisals following an attempt to kill the Marshal Rodolfo Graziani, marchese di Neghelli, Viceroy of Italian East Africa, on 19 February 1937, or Yekatit 12 in the Ethiopian calendar.
  • Miyazia 27 Square Monument It is noted for its impressive obelisk built for Atse Haile Selassie’s coronation in 1930. The historic moment depicts a Lion of Judah and a circle of relief figures and monumental panels celebrating the liberation of Ethiopia.
  • St George Gallery Classy gallery selling Ethiopian art as well as textiles, furniture, antiques & jewellry.
  • Makush Art Gallery Located in a trendy Bole area, the new downtown of Addis Ababa. It is a testament to the burgeoning art sense in Addis Ababa. • Red Terror’ Martyrs’ Memorial Museum The museum has displays of torture instruments, skulls and bones, coffins, bloody clothes and photographs of victims.

Herald February 9/2019


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