Curbing mental health problems

There are too many challenges in life which we do not wish them to be; but we cannot control them. The greatest thing, however, is the strength put forth to respond and normalize the situation. In fact, all people do not have the same stamina to do so.

While some have the vigor to deal with and overcome the challenges bravely others lack resistance to face up them. Enat Yewunetu, Care EpilepsyEthiopia Founder and Director, is one of those people who bravely cope with and achieving success over the severe hurdle they had faced. Enat, further than controlling the illness she had encountered at her early ages, she has established a Center stepping forward, which makes her exemplary.

As she uttered, it was at her early age she was diagnosed with epilepsy- a common neurological disorder of the brain and a condition in which a person has recurrent epileptic seizures. She also expressed the impact of the case and how the people with illness and their respective families encountered a wide range of sufferings. In Ethiopia, hundred thousands of people are suffering from Epilepsy. The illness though is incurable; it is manageable if the required medical treatment and care is taken consistently.

However, due to various reasons, some people do not tend to take patients to the right health institutions as their perception toward the illness is wide of the mark. Considering the infirmity as mental disorder, they take epilepsy affected persons to mental hospital, which is totally wrong. “Epilepsy is quite different from mental disorder,” she stressed. She relates her experiences as follows. ‘’Hearing the death of mothers and sisters falling on fire while preparing food is a heartbreaking incident.

This was what I observed while I had traveled to one of the states in the country. Epilepsy affected persons always need a person who takes care of them and keeps an eye on them. For instance, I am an epileptic woman and take my anti-seizure medicines on a regular basis. In case, I forgot taking it or deliberately tried to forgo, you will find me in seizure. I personally experienced the challenges faced by epilepsy affected persons. And that is why I decided to address the problem by opening a center- Care EpilepsyEthiopia, a centre that primarily works on epilepsy,” said Enat, the founder and Director of the Center.

As to her, the establishment of the Center would have pivotal role in terms of raising the awareness of the public and lessening the challenges patients may face. Epilepsy is not similar with other mental problems. It might occur during childhood or at later years. The severe impact of the illness is affecting people not to freely move with and casts a shadow over their productiveness, competency through eroding self confidence. A factsheet published by the World Health Organization (WHO) on epilepsy indicates that “Epilepsy is the most common chronic brain disorder globally and affects people of all ages.

More than 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy and 80 percent of them live in developing countries. With treatment, an estimated 70 percent of people with epilepsy can be seizure free, yet about three fourths of people in developing countries do not get the treatment they need. Furthermore, people with the illness and their families frequently suffer from stigma and discrimination. There is no predicting when and where the epileptic might lose their conscious.

It could happen anytime, anywhere- while walking or talking with friends, swimming or cooking, within the office or on busy traffic roads, at flag hoisting ceremonies, and other similar risky places. One must be lucky to fall in a safe place. Bad luck may expose the patient to risky places and lasts his/her breathe. Currently one million Ethiopians, more than 10 million Africans as well as over 65 million peoples live with epilepsy worldwide.

An epilepsy affected person is exposed to several challenges; which makes the illness more debilitating. The sudden uncontrollable seizure and twitches can lead patients to heavy physical injuries. These days the impact of epilepsy is increasing from time to time. Ironically, the attention accorded to it is too little. Establishing an epilepsy awareness and recovery centre is thus crucial to upgrade publics’ awareness on the issue, aware them towards the preconditions and care needed for patients and avert illnesses’ undesirable impact.

Furthermore, such centers will have significance in facilitating hospitals and health sector’s practitioners; providing swift and friendly treatment and improving the lives of epilepsy affected people. “Care Epilepsy-Ethiopia Centre is primarily organized to facilitate epilepsy centered awareness improvement across the country. It also works to avert the extent of exposure to epilepsy during birth, Enat said while talking the primary objectives of her organization.

The Centre is doing with maximum effort to induce awareness on epilepsy. So far, it has organized a walk event, voluntary activities fund raising program, staging dramatic stories by portraying epilepsy affected persons as well as establishing platform to work with the ministry of health nationwide. WHO also announced that it is working hand in hand with partners, health practitioners and stakeholders to improve healthcare access of epilepsy centers worldwide, she remarked.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 13/2019


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