Belgium, Brazil pledge to support Ethiopia’s federal system

Using the Forum of Federations, Ambassadors of Belgium and Brazil expressed their readiness to work hand in glove with the Ethiopian government in its ongoing efforts of implementing effective federal system of... Read more »

The Quest for Consensus Calls for scrutiny as controversies reach fever pitch on constitution

Since its ratification, the FDRE Constitution has been at the center of debate in relations to some articles, now that freedom of speech and political rights started to gain more grounds, the... Read more »

Why Ethiopians should stick to Federalism?

Federalism is a cornerstone for building a nation made up of diverse ethnic groups through its self and shared rule system. Hence, it is preferable system of governance for a multi-ethnic country... Read more »

Nation nurturing culture of tolerance, peaceful co-existence

•Ambassadors wish Ethiopians happy NNPD ADDIS ABABA — For the 13 nation, nationalities and peoples’ day (NNPD) celebrations, Ambassadors of different countries congratulate the government and peoples of Ethiopia, where more than... Read more »

Why Ethiopians should stick to Federalism?

Federalism is a cornerstone for building a nation made up of diverse ethnic groups through its self and shared rule system. Hence, it is preferable system of governance for a multi-ethnic country... Read more »

The Quest for Consensus Calls for scrutiny as controversies reach fever pitch on constitution

Since its ratification, the FDRE Constitution has been at the center of debate in relations to some articles, now that freedom of speech and political rights started to gain more grounds, the... Read more »

AWMA vows to pull more girls into the field mathematics

ADDIS ABABA–The African Women in Mathematics Association (AWMA) vowed to strive in scaling up women’s participation and contribution in the field of mathematics at a workshop held under the theme “Inviting girls... Read more »

Diplomatic spouses to give bazaar tomorrow

ADDIS ABABA – Diplomatic Spouses Group in Addis Ababa will be holding bazaar tomorrow on the Premises of UNECA, Ambassador of Hellenic Republic Nicholios Patikias told The Ethiopian Herald. The objective of... Read more »

Moving into more conciliatory, unifying NNP’s Day

Experts proposed Nations, Nationalities and People’s Day (NNPD) to be part of more scholarly forum where it would serve as a genuine platform enhancing shared values, national unity beyond a mere display... Read more »

Leather product export pulls in 13 million USD 

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian Leather Industry Development Institute announced that it secures over 13 million USD from the export of leather and leather products in the month of November. Institute Communication Director,... Read more »