Hands in Someone’s Pie!

You don’t care who wins or loses. You’re there watching the football game just to have some good time. And then this guy comes and spoils it all. “Did you see? Did... Read more »

Weirdest ‘Reality Shows’

I should try my hand at writing short drama; who knows, maybe the big bucks and the fame might make life easier! Here we go; The setting is a house where your... Read more »

‘Phobia’ of the Number 70!

Time for the ‘usual complaint’ of life getting tougher by the day! The other day I had an appointment somewhere down and ordered tea and a piece of cake. Now several months... Read more »

“When the evil man calls out from up there…”

There was this famous (Or is it ‘infamous!’) rallying call of president he used to ‘cut Hillary Clinton down to her size.’ His supporters chanted “Lock her up!” “Lock her up!” Well... Read more »

Are we on the SAME wavelengths!

 A friend of mine, a naturalized American, asks in a Facebook post… “Have we become the fifty-first state?” referring to the State Department’s ‘condemnation’ of Deacon Daniel Kibret’s speech, so horribly misinterpreted... Read more »

‘Laughing’ at Innocent Mistakes

A few of weeks back a couple of us were whiling away the time in one of those restaurants where you almost have to write a check to pay for a cup... Read more »

“Sorry, the Wrong Number!”

One thing about holidays is the well wishes directed at you. But life doesn’t always work that way! Your smartphone buzzes. It is a number you aren’t familiar with and certainly an... Read more »

Shopping is Mental Therapy. Really!

Shopping is mental therapy. At a time when the mental health problem is a pressing issue isn’t it nice to know shopping actually heals. But I never heard someone close enough to... Read more »

‘Thirteen Months of Sunshine!

Ephrem Endale Contributer  Come next Sunday, it’d be two days into the Ethiopian New Year. A full twelve months and one gone! Yes, we’ve a thirteenth month Pagume of five days, six... Read more »

Brawls, Brawls, More Brawls

What’s got into the older generation these days! In their mid or late fifties or early sixties and still trying to slug their way out of the slightest of misunderstandings! There must... Read more »