Ethiopia’s UNSC non-permanent term successful: Ministry

ADDIS ABABA-Ethiopia’s twoyear non-permanent UNSC membership has been fruitful as the country worked for regional, continental and international peace, Foreign Affairs Ministry indicated.

In addition to playing a leader role in peacekeeping missions, the country ardently participated in counter terrorism efforts while bringing unprecedented results in ensuring the respect of international laws such as on climate resilienceand immigration, said Ministry Spokesperson MelesAlemin his regular briefing yesterday.

The expunction of UN sanction on Eritrea, peace negotiation between Sudan and south Sudan, peace keeping mission in Somalia are among the key achievements, heremarked. The country has also championed in bringing to reality the joint session of the Security Councils of AU and UN back in last September.

The country’s efforts have also helped to grow its acceptance over its unbiasedstance over various matters which have in turn brought lasting global friends, he stressed. He also mentioned as over 12, 800 Ethiopian troops have been participating in the UN mission.

Ethiopia’s term would be concluded next December 31, he added. In addition to the recent one, Ethiopia had been non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for three rounds—1967-68 and 1989-90. Also, he said 44,500 citizens who were put behind bars in Saudi Arabia were brought home over the last six, he said.

The Ethiopian Herald, December 28/2018


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