Equipping youth with necessary skills, for better future

Ethiopia, as a country that aspires to attain vibrant economic prosperity, is aggressively working to equip its human capital with the required knowledge and skills and fill the demands that the labor market needs

In this regard, to turn the ambition into a reality and achieve the set goals, the government has given prime attention to strengthening technical and vocational education and training institutes and is working accordingly.

This has also been reflected in various initiatives and programs. The government has been working closely with industry partners and education institutes by promoting university-industry linkage targeting to enhance the quality and relevance of training. Devising a curriculum that aligns with the needs of the manufacturing sector and efforts carried out to improve infrastructure, upgrade equipment and provide hands-on training opportunities to students have also been the other interventions undertaken to achieve the goals.

As centers of excellence, these institutions are not only places where skilled manpower is produced and local market demands are addressed; but they are also potential areas that enable the country to respond effectively to its challenges and enable it to ensure its future direction to prosperity.

As indicated by Deputy Speaker of the HoPR, Lomi Bedo, skill-based training has a key role in developing and upgrading the skills and knowledge of individuals to contribute to their country. In this regard, the Labor and Skills Ministry should keep its momentum in producing competent human power; capable of competing both locally as well as the international labor market. “Producing qualified and competitive professionals should be the priority agenda of Labor and Skills Ministry.”

During the discussion with members of the House of People`s Representatives and the Ministry, the Deputy Speaker stressed the value of education and training institutes in producing a competent and proficient society and a prosperous nation.

Lomi also indicated that following its progressive reform, the government is aggressively working to produce skillful citizens who are capable enough to meet local demands by substituting imported goods with locally produced items, which have a key role in minimizing the country’s foreign currency expenditure to importation. In this regard, technical and vocational education and training institutes are playing a significant role in filling the market gap. The Ministry is also exerting effort in creating job opportunities and supporting the growing manufacturing sector. This effort should be strengthened, she said.

Seconding the view of the Deputy House Speaker, Labor and Skills Minister, Muferiyat Kamil, said that due to the aggressive efforts of the government together with its stakeholders fruitful results were witnessed within the past years. This is especially true in producing skilled manpower, creating job opportunities for several citizens; and creating a conducive environment for industrialization.

Regarding supplying skilled manpower to the growing manufacturing sector and creating opportunities for citizens to access international job opportunities, the Ministry is also discharging its responsibility by working closely with technical and vocational education training institutes.

Muferiyat also expressed her optimistic view to ensure better results in the coming year by scaling up the best experiences of the preceding year as well as applying new prospects.

More attention will be given to polytechnic colleges to provide training that primarily gives attention to technology and the value chain. In this regard, as a means to transfer technical and vocational centers to centers of excellence, a direction has been set to implement digitalization in 100 polytechnic colleges; and 86 of them are implementing the system at different levels, she added.

There is a plan to transfer technical and vocational institutions to a digital system and build independent institutions that will be administered in their own capacity within the next three years. According to her, skills development, job opportunities; and creating conducive environment for the industry require the active involvement and cooperation of all parties. Thus, she urged the Council to provide the necessary support.

As the experiences of almost all developed nations show, investment in technical and vocational education training centers has incalculable economic rewards not only by creating job opportunities for their citizens but also by enhancing their competitiveness enabling them to penetrate into the global market.

Ethiopia has set ambitious goals to achieve rapid economic growth and prosperity. One key area of focus in this endeavor is the advancement of the manufacturing sector, which is seen as a crucial engine for job creation, boosting productivity and promoting innovation, and at the end of the day realizing overall economic development. To advance this growing sector and attain its ambitions, Ethiopia has placed a strong emphasis on enhancing the capacity of technical and vocational training centers.

By investing in this sector, the government is working determinedly to substitute imports, satisfy local demand, boost exports, and enhance the earnings of hard currency by providing young people with practical and valuable skills that enable them to compete and penetrate the labor market.

In this respect, it is known that the manufacturing sector not only has the potential to provide employment opportunities for the burgeoning youth population in the country but also to generate significant revenue. Equipping these institutions in every possible way plays a vital role in empowering individuals with the practical skills and knowledge needed to thrive in various areas. By offering specialized training programs for students, these centers can meaningfully help bridge the skills gap and ensure that the workforce is well-prepared to meet the demands of the evolving job market.

Indeed, as it was indicated by the Deputy House Speaker and Labor and Skills Minister, professionals that are competitive in local as well as at the international markets have key roles in addressing the needs of the manufacturing sector.

As Ethiopia continues its journey towards economic prosperity, the focus on developing the manufacturing sector through technical and vocational training remains critical. While significant progress has been made so far, challenges such as funding constraints, curriculum alignment, and access to quality training facilities still need to be addressed. By overcoming these challenges and sustaining efforts, Ethiopia is poised to realize its vision of flourishing the manufacturing sector that drives economic growth and creates opportunities for its people.



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