Serving with uprightness, to build a strong country

As Ethiopia is striving to promote sustained economic prosperity and solidify its standing as a rising power in the Horn of Africa, the role of civil servants cannot be undermined. Seeing their role in the country’s overall development through translating policy decisions into action, delivering high-quality and fair service to the general public, the government is actively engaging to equip them with proper technologies and capacity-building training.

This aggressive intervention of the government in the public sector is bearing fruit. Several public sectors are delivering services to customers diligently though there are a lot of assignments ahead. Using this as a ground, The Ethiopian Herald interviewed some civil servants and leaders to what extent the government`s ambitious plan hit its target and the employees have kept their promises in terms of translating the reform into reality.

Asrat Legese is the Public Service Bureau Head at Arada Sub City. When asked to what extent sub-cities are discharging their responsibilities to meet the standards of the reform and what roles the public servants should play to improve customers’ satisfaction, he said that the Sub City has accomplished several tasks that have a significant role not only to the Sub-City but also to the City Administration. According to him, the City Administration has taken several steps to serve the public with dedication and integrity.

“The reform initiative taken by the government is bearing fruits. As part and parcel of the system, the City Administration and its branch administration offices are discharging their responsibility by equipping the civil servants with the right skills and ethical values to serve the public. This is especially true during the reform years and all administration units are exercising it. The reform includes producing efficient public servants who can deliver quality, effective, and speedy services. To this end, employees were employed transparently through examination. Those public servants who took the examination also took capacity-building training to ensure the reform. Those who cannot pass the exam were also assigned to equivalent positions by their performances.”

He also indicated that the reform has brought tangible results in various sectors by providing services via technologies, generating civil servants who can discharge their responsibility honestly and provide services the whole weekdays and in some special cases, even on the weekends.

According to the Head, the proper application of technologies in rendering services has eased the previous traditional business-as-usual system where customers were expected to get services in person which consumes their time. Because of the reform, they can now easily access services and information online. Housing, trade and construction, and other sub-sectors are serving their customers using digital technologies. “Regarding service providers, the City Administration has tried its level best to create a conducive environment and sub-cities are provided with all the necessary materials which are essential to render efficient services to meet customers’ satisfaction.”

Creating morally responsible civil servants is one area that the City Administration has given due attention to. In this regard, Arada Sub-City has witnessed effective and morally responsible civil servants who value the basic principles of public service. “These disciplined civil servants always give priorities to customers. That is why it is common to see some civil servants engaging in duties even on the weekends and evening times.”

Asrat said that the government is aggressively working to meet the interests of the general public. Service-giving institutions and public servants have the responsibility to ensure that. Whenever public servants provide efficient and effective services to the public diligently, it is possible to sustain the reform and ensure Ethiopia’s prosperity.

When asked to what extent the leadership is discharging its responsibilities to avoid public grievances; Asrat said that leaders and other coordinators are working hand in glove to meet customers’ interests. However, it does not mean that all the customers coming to the Sub-City seeking services will be satisfied with the services they received. For this reason, the Sub-City has an office that handles customers’ grievances and complaints. What is more, using the Civil Service Policy which is being practiced across the country, the City Administration strives to provide speedy and fair services to the community.

According to him, if any public servants do not adhere to the principles of the reform and creates trouble for service seekers, they will be held accountable for their actions. There are monitoring mechanisms to check whether a service provider is discharging his/her responsibility accordingly or not.

In a related development, at a forum held recently at North Wollo Zone, Amhara State under the theme “Man-centered service for building a strong nation”, the contribution of civil servants to nation-building was emphasized.

Berhanu Zemaw, an employee at Semien Wollo Zone Agriculture Department and participant in the forum told ENA that proper utilization of agricultural inputs and technologies has a key role in boosting production and productivity. In this regard, as a responsible civil servant, he will exert the utmost energy to deliver the needed support to the sector`s actors by fighting all forms of bad governance to ensure customers` satisfaction.

Reflecting the view of Berhanu, Suleman Yusuf an employee at Semien Wollo Transport Bureau, also reaffirmed the need to serve society fairly and properly. According to him, the transport sector is one of the areas where several gaps are witnessed. In this regard, proper utilization of technologies along with commitment will address the problem; which at the end of the day keeps the country at the highest level.

Speaking on his part, Zone Head Aragie Yemer said that the active engagement of both the managerial circle and other subordinate bodies helps to attain the expected results- to maximize the customers’ satisfaction. In this regard, the civil servants are expected to render speedy and fair service to the public

According to participants, as the nation advances toward economic prosperity, civil servants are duty-bound to serve the masses honestly adhering to the public service policy and ensuring successful implementation of the reform. Participants have also affirmed that through effective utilization of technologies, they will contribute their share for the effectiveness of the reform. Zone’s civil servants confirmed their readiness to fill all gaps in service provision and discharge their responsibility.

Proper service rendering in public sectors enhances economic growth, promotes social equity, and strengthens governance- cornerstones of a prosperous Ethiopia. In this regard, while marking “Service Day” it is also important to consider meeting the needs of civil servants who serve as a bridge between the government and the masses. This is due to proper investment in civil servants and ensuring their well-being can pave the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future for its citizens.




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