Diplomatic feats last Ethiopian fiscal year

Ethiopia’s diplomatic history is very long tracing back to more than a hundred years ago and even before. Our relations with foreign countries have had their ups and downs and sometimes have given to misunderstandings, controversies and disputes ending even in conflicts. However, history tells us that Ethiopia has never compromised over its sovereignty, independence and freedom in exchange for whatever may be offered by countries which may have had intentions to patronize or even colonize it albeit indirectly.

Ethiopian leaders never forfeited their pride and dignity for any concessions or presents. They have always given priority to the national interest and the well-being of their people be it in the short run as well as in the long run.

Nonetheless, Ethiopia has also always believed in forming alliances and nurturing close relations with foreign powers to benefit its people and to feel secure in its sovereignty and independence. When it joined the League of Nations it was intended to sit at the international tables on an equal basis and to show that it is part of the international community that lives in independence and freedom. It never compromised its national interests even when there were pressures indirect and overt on the part of certain countries. There was what used to be called a sphere of influence.

It then joined the newly formed United Nations Organization in the 1940s even if it was once betrayed by its predecessor when it was shamelessly invaded by a foreign power that was part of the same organization. However, it never lost hope in the international body aligning itself to international law and order. It was among the few countries in Africa that had this privilege and given its history it was considered an avant-garde in Africa and a model for other emerging African states that were fighting for their independence from colonial forces.

When there was the so-called Cold War between the Capitalist West and Socialist East led by the US and Europe on the one side and the Soviet Union on the other, Ethiopia did not jump into this partisanship and instead kept its position as neutral looking only for its long term national interests. When the Non-Aligned Movement was founded it immediately joined it making it clear that it did not take part in any of the partisan politics or diplomacy that characterized the world at the epoch. Countries such as India and Yugoslavia were among the leaders of this movement and Ethiopia was welcome to the fore.

This shows that Ethiopia had always an eye on its national interests independently of how the world was being divided or positioned. Firmly believing in the ideals of world peace and international bodies such as the United Nations Organization it voluntarily contributed its forces to the battle for justice and peace sacrificing its citizens and sending them to harm’s way to contribute to the international efforts to fight any form of dictatorship, expansion and aggression.

Its contributions to the UN Peacekeeper forces are always appreciated and earned it international acclaim including awards and acknowledgements. All these efforts are exerted in the interest of the nation as a peace-loving country and a rejection of any kind of imperialist tendencies by any force. It believed in international peace and order based on equality and justice and not based on the use of force.

In the later years, it made various contributions to free Africa from the colonial yoke and later on, when most African countries were freed, it contributed greatly to the formation of the Organization of African Unity by offering its capital city as the headquarters of the organization. Within the OAU later to be converted to the current African Union, AU, its contributions to peace and stability on the continent were notable and appreciated by all. Ethiopia’s diplomatic history is hence rich, global and very meaningful. And this has its own advantages for its citizens and its development ventures in many ways.

Today Ethiopia has diplomatic relations and close ties with the majority of the world’s nations and definitely with all the major powers. No one doubts about its influence on the African continent because most of the decisions regarding Africa are conceived and adopted in its capital city Addis Ababa where most of the AU summits are held.

Ethiopia’s recent joining of the BRICS block is yet another demonstration that it pursues always its national interests independently of what others think or assume. The Ethiopian government has repeatedly asserted that Ethiopia’s joining of BRICS does not mean that it is against other international grouping or alliances but it does what is advantageous for its people. With BRICS it realizes that it will have concrete economic benefits from the members of the organization that will help extricate its citizens from abject poverty and help it pursue further its development trajectory to new heights.

Ethiopia is a country that faces several challenges but this has not prevented it from carrying out its diplomatic ventures such as contributing to the safety of refugees that shelter in it and contributing to the fight against international terrorism as well as human trafficking. It also continues to subscribe to other joint ventures both bilaterally with various nations as well as multilaterally.

When it comes to what major activities were carried out this year, a few days ago the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has given a bird’s eye view of the major achievements. He has outlined how Ethiopia continued with its usual diplomatic ventures by linking with various forces and conducting talks both at the highest leadership levels as well as at the level of high government officials with their visits to many countries and explaining the policies and priorities of Ethiopia. Accordingly the premier has visited numerous countries to strengthen our ties with several countries not only diplomatically and politically but also economically by signing cooperation agreements with these nations that may have the technology Ethiopia lacks and advantageous trade relations so that Ethiopian entrepreneurs have a chance to join the international market at better terms and conditions.

Ethiopian leaders have searched for parties that could benefit their country’s long-term interests and worked hard to bargain with all those forces that have something to offer it. It always safeguards its strategic interests and strengthens its diplomatic ties with countries that are ready to respect and recognize Ethiopia’s efforts to eradicate poverty from its soil. Accordingly in this ending Ethiopian year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reported more than seventy agreements with various nations through the visit of its leaders while at the same time it has attracted more than five hundred pre-investment visits by foreign entrepreneurs and companies. Similarly, about twenty joint ventures were created with foreign investors and all this could be included in the diplomatic success Ethiopia has obtained in this ending year.

Regarding its debt burden with foreign countries and international financial organizations, Ethiopian leaders and diplomats have worked hard to lessen it with better terms of payment such as extending the payment dates and reducing the number of loans that would subject it to further financial burden and pressure. At the same time, Ethiopia has created according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs more than one hundred market linkages in the international sphere to promote Ethiopian products with its exports.

One of the most significant achievements that can be cited here is the legitimate claim that it has made to be granted access to the sea peacefully and diplomatically with a win-win position for both parties. Its agreement with Somaliland to secure access to the sea in exchange for economic advantages could be considered a diplomatic success. This venture is intended only to benefit Ethiopia and in the process also other countries in the region because if Ethiopia grows it can stimulate the growth of its neighbors, and even further eying always the objective of more integration in the continent. The AU has the Agenda 2063 in sight by which time the entire continent shall have been one big reality capable of exerting the influence it deserves on the international scene.

Ethiopia has always advocated for more integration in Africa and taking part in the likes of IGAD is also one demonstration of this objective. The construction of the Grand Renaissance Dam is also one of the components of this scheme of further economic integration in the Horn of Africa that would benefit all. Even the launching of the Green Legacy Initiatives which has already planted more than thirty billion trees in four years is inspiring other African countries to do the same pushing them to exert effort to green their countries. By doing so and reducing the use of carbon and fossil fuels and using clean energy, they would contribute to the alleviation of the damages of climate change.

Ethiopia has always been at the forefront of this effort. It knows how climate aberrations have caused it immense damage including drought, flooding, food insecurity etc. This has contributed to the forced evictions of many people deprived of their livelihoods that were a direct consequence of climate change.

Furthermore, in the ending year, Ethiopia has materialized better its citizen-focused diplomacy by helping repatriate citizens from where they were in difficulty. This refers to countries particularly in the Middle East and neighboring Sudan. The situation in Sudan is alarming and with no sight to the end of hostilities between the national army and the Rapid Support Forces, civilians are caught in the middle and this is a concern to Ethiopians as well.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) has said that Sudan’s destiny is very much linked to ours and we cannot sit idle when the fighting continues. That was why he recently travelled to Sudan to bring the two parties to a ceasefire without preconditions first and then proceed to talks. It is clear that war cannot be solved except to add further losses, suffering and misery to the Sudanese people. Ethiopia tries to intervene diplomatically acting in a lead position so that the hostilities cease just as it happened with the conflict in the north with the Pretoria Peace Deal.

Diplomacy serves to quell violence and hostilities and give priority to peaceful talks. Otherwise, the dead end would bury the chances of peace. At the same time, Ethiopia has been very much engaged in protecting its citizens in countries where they find themselves in difficulty. It has brought the case to the attention of the authorities so that their legitimate rights are not violated. Its embassies and consulates have taken the initiative to do that.

This year alone, more than 40,000 citizens in difficulty, mainly in Saudi Arabia and Sudan, have been repatriated. The government will help them readjust to their normal life back home. In the same period, it has through various bilateral agreements made possible the employment of thousands of Ethiopians abroad where they can work without fearing violations of their rights. Ethiopia’s diplomatic ventures continue with the pursuit of peace in the sub-region and more economic integration and exchange of good relations with the rest of the world.



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