City Administration aims to create 161,106 jobs

Addis Ababa City Administration has announced to create 161,106 jobs in this fiscal year. The city’s Deputy Mayor Engineer Takele Ouma told The Ethiopian Herald that the job creation scheme would have pivotal contribution in employing the ever increasing population of the city.

‘‘Addis is a diplomatic and political capital of Africa. Besides, it is the home of millions of Ethiopians.

Thus, there should basic infrastructural facilities that make the vibrant city modern and suitable, he said, adding: ‘‘job creation for the unemployed population should be prioritized. Having understood this, we are working on it.’’ He added that unemployed youths would be burdens for the society and the city and they could pose threat on peace and security as well.

City Administration aims to create 161,106 jobs According to him, out of the 161,106 jobs to be created on various sectors, 10,694 will be handled by federal ministry offices and 44,703 youths would take capacity enhancing trainings.

‘‘We have planned to create jobs in small and medium enterprise, in dry wast service development, in green plant development, in city water sewerage authority, in Addis 20/80 housing construction office, in Addis Ababa housing and saving development, in Addis Ababa Commerce office, in industry office, in Addis Ababa road authority, in city trafficking over parking service area, in ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, in transport authority, in construction, in environmental protection, in Addis Ababa youth and sport office and other city and federal offices,’’ he noted.

The job creation plan would facilitate the economic growth of the city, the Deputy mayor reaffirmed. “As metropolitan city, it should create unshakable economy which could benefit all parts of society. Unemployed youths, low income women and men are the prime beneficiaries of our plan. This aim is very vital in sustaining the rapid economy of the economy,’’ he stated.

Addis Ababa Youth and Sport Bureau Head Jemalu Jenber for his part said that the jobs being planned to be unveiled would be based on skills and experiences and on identifying the opportunities and challenges.

Jemalu urged that the government, non-government organizations and stakeholders should work hand in hand to reduce poverty through alleviating unemployment. ‘‘Addis Ababa has lots of problems. Such massive problems wouldn’t be solved by the government alone Rather every concerned body should be involved.’’

The Ethiopian Herald, November 25/2018

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