Government striving to augment return from silk production

ADDIS ABABA – Cognizant of the higher economic and social advantages that trickle down to the country from silk production, the government has placed focal attention on the sector, disclosed Ministry of Agriculture (MoA).

Demisew Wakjira Honey and Silk Directorate Director within the Ministry told to The Ethiopian Herald that MoA has been striving to derive the maximum possible return from the sector especially in Southern Nation Nationalities and peoples State.

Mostly the workforce comprise of women and elders. To step up and expand the sector, the government has been giving practical and theoretical trainings in Alage Agriculture Institute. Moreover, it has been conducting researches on the sector in Melikasa Agriculture Research Center, he stated.

He added, performances show a turn for the better. The farmers are becoming optimists given the promising returns they are witnessing from silk production. Rosy outcome is in store for them, he added.Provided the advantages that accrue to the country related to curtailing foreign currency outflow and creating job opportunities, among others, there is a call for strengthening the sector, Demisew stressed.

The agricultural institutions are churning out skilled human power. Seizing this favorable condition MoA, along with other stockholders, has a plan to turn effective in the sector, he said. Adding he said, there has been better experience before. When it comes to producing silk materials in the nation Sabahar is the pioneer company. It has been exporting silk to close to 18 countries.

As to the Director, in Arba Minch City of the SNNP state there is a well-known company which is working hard to tap the potential there. Aside from emerging successful in its push, the company is absorbing job seekers into the industry. By way of encouragement, government officials visit the company. It as well is getting technical supports from experts that come from Japan and other countries.

Yodit Legese is a sales manager in Sabahar Textile Company. She says, even if citizens’ knowledge on potentials and advantages of silk production is underwhelming, pertinent government bodies and other stakeholders urge citizens to harness the resource to theirs and nation’s advantage.

The Southern Nation and Nationalities, Amhara and Tigray States’ natural milieu is more conducive for the silk worms. So, the company has been working closely with respective community members that are engaged in the sector there. “We click with farmers regarding silk production. We receive cocoons and handle the remaining task with weavers,” she said.

The company has experts who readily give expertise about the silk production to any interested individual that wants to engage in the field, Yodit said. Adding she said, pursuant of a cutting edge in its export, the company has been working hard to emerge with quality outputs to better penetrate the global market, permeated by a cut-throat competition. The company’s products are enjoying an international foothold. Curtains, scarves, towels, handkerchiefs, sofa clothes are among the value-added products they export.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 18/2019


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