Ethiopia is a reliable partner through thick and thin!

Ethiopia has been a reliable partner to its neighbors through thick and thin. Under any regime and any circumstances, Ethiopia has been a credible and loyal comrade in need particularly on the maintenance of peace and security in the region. From sending troops to brokering peace deals between warring parties, Ethiopia has been a guardian of regional peace and a great stabilizer.

The gallant Ethiopian servicemen and women even paid the ultimate price for the peace and stability of the country. Ethiopia’s contribution to the global peace has also been vital since the Korean War. Its amicable diplomatic approach to its friendly nations even to adversaries has continued to this very day and become strong. And, this peculiar virtue has continued under the current leadership. Since taking office, the incumbent has been trying to mend rifts with Eritrea and also exerted efforts to stabilize Somalia and Sudan.

The government while handling crises at home even exercises extreme restraint and tries to resolve conflicts peacefully even at a time that the country finds itself in a precarious situation. To foster mutual growth and cooperation, Ethiopia also comes up with bold measures and landmark initiatives. A case in point in this regard can be the recent sea access deal with Somaliland. Peaceful co-existence and amicability also continue to take center stage with the help of its relation with neighboring nations and beyond. This is at least attested by the prime minister yesterday.

In his last address to lawmakers in the ending fiscal year, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Ph.D) accentuated his commitment to the peaceful settlement of conflicts while indicating that Ethiopia is doing its level best to sustain the implementation of the Pretoria peace deal.

“Our diplomacy is based on mutual growth and cooperation. We never exploited Sudan’s situation to our advantage. Sudan has been in turmoil and the government has been unable to pay the bills of Ethiopia’s power supply, we have never cut the electricity supply since we believe in brotherhood. We cannot abandon our brothers during this difficult time. We could have taken back the land invaded by Sudan had we wanted to take the situation in Sudan to our advantage,” Abiy added.

He also told the parliament that Ethiopia’s genuine support to Somalia’s integrity and sovereignty has never been faltered. The government in Somalia should not waste its money shuttling across the world. It only takes an hour’s flight to discuss with Ethiopia and settle the matter, he said. “We made our intention clear and asked our coastal neighbors to give us access and it was Somaliland that agreed to our terms, this does not mean Ethiopia is trying to harm the interests of Somalia. We could not have sent our troops to pacify Somalia had we been looking to destabilize Somalia.”

Abiy also sent messages to all friendly neighboring countries on the quest to access sea outlets. “We are a great country and good partners. We always aspire to keep our relations on a win-win base.”

The premier also reaffirmed Ethiopia position to the regional peace and security. He has made it clear that the fate of the people of the Horn is entwined, and throwing full weight towards mutual growth and prosperity is a must-do task ahead of all countries.

There has been a crisis along the Red Sea affecting commercial activities and global trade. “Ethiopia,” he said, “will work with nations to stabilize the region.”

True to the premier’s words, Ethiopia is the largest economy in the East Africa. With the growing population and huge landmass, the country will continue to be a leading powerhouse. And, it needs peace inside and out to realize its national interests and spur its economic growth. And, the nation remains resolute in fostering friendship and boosting its diplomatic relations with other nations near and far.


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