Ensuring long term economic impact via Ye Lemat Tirufat

Gode, one of the oldest towns in the Gode Zone of the Somali State in the eastern part of Ethiopia, had gone through a number of challenges as a result of conflicts and other related occurrences that took place in the surrounding area for several years. However, these days, the town is experiencing remarkable progress in various areas.

The agricultural sector is one of the sectors where the town is experiencing remarkable achievements. The success gained in the area of animal husbandry, infrastructural development and service sector are living witnesses for the economic revival of Gode. In turn, several members of the society, especially the youth, are enjoying the fruits of their efforts.

Mainly, as a result of the drive initiated by the government under Ye Lemat Tirufat with a target to ensuring nutritional opulence and food self-sufficiency at family and national levels through maximizing production and productivity, the youths in Gode are able to earn more money. The other way round, the chain of markets created by the active engagement of the youth in the town has also enabled neighboring places to get dairy products with reasonable prices and they are able to fill the market gap.

Salahadin Ibrahim, resident of Gode, is among the beneficiaries who can take full advantage of Ye Lemat Tirufat and reap considerable benefits from the initiative.

As he stated, he started his business with the limited money he had saved. Using the capital he had, Salahadin bought 500 chickens. However, now, thanks to his effort and Ye Lemat Tirufat project, his capital has increased dramatically. With the income he generated by selling eggs, Salahadin`s capital has now increased to three million. Besides generating income, the youth in Gode are also playing substantial role in filling market gap not only in the town but also in adjacent areas.

Abdu Hassen (MD) is another beneficiary in the State who actively engaged in poultry farming in Jigjiga Town. According to him, the multidimensional support the government has been providing coupled with the reform program, have brought a positive change in the State. According to him, the poultry farming has initiated several youths, created job opportunities, helped young people to add value in the poultry production potential of the market and to benefit meaningfully by supplying eggs to consumers.

As indicated by State’s President Mustefe Mohamed, Ye Lemat Tirufat program is improving food supply and chain in the State helping the youth to generate considerable income.

According to him, the State has an estimated 50 million livestock population. Using this resource as an opportunity, there is an initiative to increase production and productivity in the area by facilitating market opportunities and installing market centers where producers and consumers can interact and exchange goods and services.

“Several activities are being carried out in the State in relation to Ye Lemat Tirufat; and encouraging results have been achieved in chicken, eggs, fishery and beekeeping farming. The works accomplished in the development of animal husbandry under the program are not only improving the food supply and food system but also provide adequate nutrition for the community. What is more, Mustefe said that efforts that are made to modernize the sector are yielding positive results.

In related news, the Women and Social Affairs Minister revealed that Ye Lemat Tirufat Program is producing a positive result in Harari State.

According to Minister Ergogie Tesfaye (PhD), farming and animal husbandry activities that are carried out in the State are bearing positive results. According to her, several farming activities which are being carried out in the region are improving the lifestyle of the society and increasing production and productivity. Youth that engage in poultry beekeeping and animal husbandry are creating job opportunities for several youths in the State. Ergoige said that Ye Lemat Tirufat program is also ensuring food security to the society.

Speaking on her part, Harari State Deputy Head, Roza Ummar said that due to Ye Lemat Tirufat program, several members of the society are being benefited from the fruits of their hands.

According to her, individuals who engaged in beekeeping, poultry, animal husbandry and other farming practices are earning money and several immigrants, women, farmers and other members of the society are supporting themselves and their families because of the opportunities created by Ye Lemat Tirufat program.

Vice President of Gambella State Thakuey Jock also said that the program is providing job opportunities for several youth. According to him, farmlands that were once idle are now being cultivated and earning income for the society. She also said the program is shifting the working culture of the community.

Indeed, Ye Lemat Tirufat program has represented a vital step towards achieving sustainable progress and development in Ethiopia. By addressing key challenges, promoting inclusivity, and empowering communities, the program is laying the foundation for a more prosperous and equitable society for generations to come.

The program›s future prospects are promising as it continues to expand its reach, engage with diverse communities, and adapt to evolving challenges. By fostering collaboration, innovation, and resilience, Ye Lemat Tirufat program is paving the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for all Ethiopians.

Ye Lemat Tirufat, also known as Bounty of Basket, is an ambitious development initiative spearheaded by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD), aims to uplift communities, improve livelihoods, and drive sustainable progress across the country.

This project is driven by a vision of inclusive development and prosperity for all Ethiopians. The Bounty of Basket (Ye Lemat Tirufat) Project has been rolled out across various areas in Ethiopia, with a focus on grassroots engagement and community participation.

As the Bounty of Basket (Ye Lemat Tirufat) Project progresses, it remains committed to sustainability, inclusivity, and long-term impact. By fostering partnerships, leveraging local resources, and promoting community-led solutions, the project aims to create a legacy of prosperity and development that lasts for generations.



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