TVET: Empowering youth, enhancing innovation capacity

Since the past decades, the waves of technological innovations have revolutionized the experiences of the global community and transformed their lives in every aspect. By allowing them to leverage on the ever evolving technology, the advent of new and advanced technological innovations easing the way people live, work and interact.

These tools not only make daily chores and tasks more efficient and convenient, but they are also playing a vital role in improving the lives of individuals not only for ebled bodies but also people with physical disabilities and severe health conditions.

One key area where these technological innovations are making a big impact is home gadgets. These tech gadgets are making a big impact on easing common household chores. Among other, just to mention but a few, smart washing machines and dishwashers with app-based voice and time control as well as robotic vacuum cleaners are easing house chores and lessening the burden of billions of people across the world, especially women. Likewise, the tech gadgets, such as robotic arms and legs, that are designed to assist those people with some type of physical limitations and health conditions are also playing a significant role and changing their lives for the better. Some devices are also supporting people in detecting diabetics to track their blood sugar levels discreetly and automatically.

The common thread running through all of these innovations is a focus on easing and improving quality of life, restoring a sense of independence as well as achieving satisfaction across several aspects.

These gadgets, by enabling them to replace manual tasks by assistive and adaptive equipment, are allowing individuals with disabilities and severe health conditions become more independent, carry out their tasks and perform their daily lives easier.

Of course, the true heroes behind these life-changing technologies are the innovators and inventors who dedicate themselves to solving real-world problems. Through their relentless creativity and problem-solving capability, they are transforming what was once impossible into possible and making a tangible difference in people’s lives.

As we look to the future, it is exciting to see what other ingenious gadgets and devices will emerge to continue enhancing home life and empowering the disabled community, making a significant difference in the lives of many. The potential to improve quality of life is immense, and these innovators are leading the change.

As the 14th City-wide Technical and Vocational Educational and Training (TVET) exhibition, which was opened at Addis Ababa Exhibition Center last Saturday, on June 22, 2024 and ran for six consecutive days, what was witnessed was this same reality- the potential of TVET in building the innovative skills and competence of young people to succeed in the labour market.

At the exhibition organized under the theme ‘TVET for sustainable development’ a number of innovations in agriculture, wood and metal works were exhibited which in turn grabbed the attention of visitors.

In relation to the exhibition and to have their insight with regard to the vital role that TVET centers play in addressing the need for specialized skills and building the skills for innovation, The Ethiopia Herald approached participants and college representatives.

According to, Electronics Department Head with LG-Koica Hope TVET College, Mesfin Cheru the platform gathered a number of public and private educational institutions and a number of gadgets that are produced by innovators of private and public TVETs colleges were presented.

“I am sure the works are helpful in honing the skills of the youth, empowering them and undoing problems. What is more, it paves the way to engage in import substitute activities,” he added.

TVET centers have a vital and irreplaceable role in generating skilled competitive workforces, driving economic and social progress in Ethiopia, he reiterated.

In this regard, the College is working round the clock to empower young Ethiopians with the required knowledge and skills to help them engage in practical skills. “We are productive, because our graduates are becoming competitors and entrepreneurs at continental and international level.”

He further noted TVET is playing an increasingly vital role in driving economic and social progress in Ethiopia.

“For instance, we have 13 individuals in Dubai, 2 in Kenya, and one in Saudi Arabia. We are also able to support 106 local business firms that are operating in Ethiopia.”

He noted the nation’s TVET system is impacting meaningfully as they are leading to improving and growing gadget innovation among the youth. TVETs are providing students with hands-on technical skills, encouraging creativity and design thinking capabilities that are critical to bringing out innovative solutions plus instilling an entrepreneurial mindset to turn ideas into real products.

“It high time to create an informed community to let young people join TVET centers, because there is still low awareness towards it,” he underlined.

The other innovator who took part at the exhibition and presented his works is Dagim Gartew.

As Dagim, graduated from General Winget PolyTechnic College in 2024 in Industrial Electrical and Electronic Control Technology, stated to The Ethiopian Herald, the work he innovated and presented at the exhibition is a gadget named as ‘Atomative food feeder,’ an adaptive eating device for individuals with mobility limitations.

“The education I received at the College was pivotal in enabling me to conceptualize and develop this device. The curriculum that emphasizes electronics, programming, and product design provided me with a robust technical foundation. Equally important were the entrepreneurship modules, which equipped me with the entrepreneurship skills needed to transform my prototype into a commercially viable solution.” Dagim remarked.

According to him, it took him three weeks to fix his gadget. “The College has supported me financially to purchase inputs that are needed to develop the gadget. “I am sure the gadget is helpful in providing assistance to people with physical disability and with some type of health matters.”

There are millions of physically disabled fellow citizens, that means there is a high demand for the feeding gadget; however, there is no established system to develop the prototype to marketable product. There must be a clear system to provide practical assistance for innovations technically and financially.

He also called on academia, the private and public industries to fund the sector and help innovators to show lasting energy and ingenuity in innovation.

The TVET centers are important hubs in pushing the mind set of the youth towards innovations that could solve the problems of the society.



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