The young Ethiopian volunteer

Bethlehem Asfaw, 17, was born in Addis Ababa. However, when she turned two 2 years old, she travelled to Virginia, USA where she was nurtured and grew up in quite discipline and unparalleled love to her families and all humans.

Bethlehem got the opportunity to practice voluntarism when she was a 3rd grade student at the time the school picked a few students to participate in the school club. Luckily, she became one of the students who got the chance to be a member of the club. At that time, she and other club members used to write best wishes cards as gifts to patients in hospitals. The cards had the power in creating emotional attachment and sense of belongings with the patients; which in turn helped them a lot to feel better physically and psychologically, she recalls.

At that time, she started to understand the impacts of voluntarism on individual citizens and how it will influence their lives positively and meaningfully.

While she was fully aware of the positive impacts of volunteerism, and the benefits it offers to the needy, Bethlehem came to Ethiopia in 2016 for vacation after eight years abroad. She was only ten years old at that time. However, being at her younger age never impeded her from understanding the challenges faced by many of the unfortunate and disadvantaged sections of the community who were struggling with deprivations. Thus, she promised for herself to do whatever she can; support the needy thereby make a positive contribution to her fellowmen.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Bethlehem said that she felt heartbroken while watching some mothers and children facing challenges in life, here. Since then, she frequently contemplates how to extend a helping hand for the deprived ones, improve their lives and brighten their future. At that time, she told her mother and father about the possibilities of changing those individual’s circumstances.

“I have to do something. I have to change this scenario. But, I am still young and do not have sufficient money to lend hands to numerous people. So, what can I do?” she asked her parents.

After returning to the USA from vacation, she developed her own website in December, 2021. Now, the website is well-developed, envisioning mobilizing funds and various supports to the needy in her motherland. She hosted various fundraising and go-fund me campaigns that enabled her to realize the dream of creating a shiny future for numerous children in Ethiopia.

As soon as opening the go-fund me page, she mobilized more than 6,000 USD. Then, she came back to Ethiopia in June, 2022 to provide various in-kind supports to the Internally Displaced People (IDPs), mainly children, sheltered in Debre Berhan Town and for Zeghie Primary School in Bahir Dar, Amhara State.

She provided various sanitary materials to more than 200 girls in Debre Birhan. Apart from this, she provided about 1,000 reference books and other educational materials to Zeghie Primary School.

In 2023, she established a youth volunteers club in Virginia and provided permanent financial, in-kind, medical and other support to 11 Ethiopian children in collaboration with ‘Yifat Development Association.’ By coordinating 40 Ethio-American students to donate 10 USD per month, she has enabled needy children in Ethiopia to pursue their education.

Moreover, the club members actively participate in different events related to promoting Ethiopian culture and history. In addition, the members share experiences like leadership and communications skills.

This year, Bethlehem provided various in-kind supports to ‘Sile Enat Charitable Organization’ in Addis Ababa after mobilizing supporters and volunteers for a GoFundMe platform and holding a fundraiser event. She also provided financial support to the women to start business after being given training by the organization.

Currently, Bethlehem finalized her grade 12th education. She plans to study business and finance at the University of North Carolina at Chappell Hill. She also aspires to widen her fund raising activities through utilizing connections opportunities at the University.

Bethlehem is also a patriotic girl who loves her country more than anything. Words are not enough to explain her feelings for Ethiopia. She also believes that Ethiopia would position to its former greatness very soon.

“I want to see my country transforming to a more developed country like other nations. Ethiopia has immense potential to grow and prosper. Of course, there are problems here and there. However, the country managed to overcome so many challenges including the Italian invasion. The Victory of Adwa is a living monument for African independence that shines forever. Therefore, the new generation is expected to elevate the country and position it to a better future,” she said.

In the future, Bethlehem desires to expand her voluntarism activities beyond border through working with various worldwide known philanthropic individuals and organizations. Parallel to this, she wants to work for the United Nations (UN) or United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) after graduation.

“I am very happy and thankful for everything. God has blessed me with energy and motivation. I am grateful to spreading love and compassion to others. Everywhere I go, people extend to me unparalleled love, admiration, and provide me with unreserved support for volunteering works that I am engaged in now. This motivated me to further my efforts. I am busy as I engage in various activities beyond my education.”

According to her, voluntarism should not be done for any other goals; rather it should come from the heart. The government should also promote voluntarism and the customs process should be flexible while importing goods intended for humanitarian support.

She finally advises young Ethiopians to be problem-solvers, practice voluntarism, and explore their passion in their future endeavors.

“Do something you are passionate about and do what you love to do. You will work hard while you are doing your passion and become successful finally,” she noted.

Bethlehem’s mother Simret Terefe witnessed that being nurtured through fulfilling God’s commandments and reading the Holy Book since earlier in six years of age has enabled her daughter to be benevolent to others and motivated to actively participate in voluntarism.

“Basically, she generated the idea of engaging in voluntarism by herself. We are always by her side as a parent. I am happy to see my daughter performing well both academically and in social life,” she added.

On her part, Program Director with Sile Enat Charitable Organization, Kalkidan Teshager said that the organization provides sustainable support to the needy children through involving various volunteers and other organizations.

According to her, the organization facilitates ways to create a better future for Ethiopian children through adoption and delegating to other families.

Moreover, the organization is now providing permanent support to 38 children and facilitated support to more than 200 children through community-based schemes.

“Recently, Bethlehem visited our organization and provided various in-kind support including food-items, educational and sanitary materials, among others. Thus, her effort is admirable and other youths should also follow her footsteps,” she said.

In Ethiopia, volunteering plays a crucial role in promoting social cohesion, community development, and personal growth. It offers young individuals the opportunity to contribute positively to society while developing valuable skills and gaining hands-on experience.

Accordingly, participating in voluntarism activities offers a range of benefits. It allows volunteers to expand their social networks, meet like-minded individuals, and form meaningful relationships. It also provides opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery, as individuals step out of their comfort zones and take on new challenges.

In sum, promoting young Ethiopians to engage in volunteerism is essential for fostering a sense of social responsibility, building stronger communities, and empowering the next generation of leaders. By encouraging young individuals to participate in volunteer works, it is possible to create a more inclusive and compassionate society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Thus, let’s continue to inspire and support young Ethiopians to take part in voluntary works thereby making a difference in country’s overall progress.



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