Locally made automobile on display

Habtamu Abera has been working in a car garage while pursuing his study at night in a TVET college. After concluding finishing school in a competency-based training, he has worked in the automotive industry for 15 years, which enabled him to develop his skill in the field.

He expressed that he is always ardent to know and discover something new. “It is easy to innovate if we have the enthusiasm to learn and know new things.” Habtamu’s growing interest and understanding in mechanical engineering, pushed him to read and learn more about car making on the internet.

The thorough reading, learning and exploring things pertained to the automotive industry has helped Habtamu to develop basic understanding about car making and stimulate him to build his own car through trial and error.

Today, Habtamu is showcasing his handmade Lamborghini-like car model named after the company he is working for, HBM, at the 14th   city-based TVET week.

Habtamu has built the car while contemplating about the international brand car models such as Lamborghini, Ferrari and others. It took him two years to prepare spare parts and assembled them.

“I had effective but laborious time while building the car from the scratch. Despite the tedious tasks, I have experienced enjoying moments throughout the progress of each step,“ he recalled.

The building of the car has costed about three million Birr. The Bole Manufacturing College  has helped him in supplying the components. According to him, the car is just a demonstration of the upcoming several car products.

Such kind of automobiles are expensive, which used by celebrities in the developed world, he indicated.

Habtamu is keen to build more cars to customers in a short period of time if he gets a work space and auto parts.

Similar cars like the one produced by Habtamu can cost about three million USD though his car has not been given price so far.

Habtamu has created jobs for 15 permanent, and other temporary workers.

Everyone has a certain goal, but it requires a strong commitment and effort to achieve such objective by withstanding challenges. Human being will achieve success if start working from the grassroots level and eventually progress with patience.

Habtamu has planned to supply more Ethiopian branded luxurious and weather friendly cars to the international market.



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