Ethiopia discovers 21.3 billion m3 natural gas

ADDIS ABABA – In a major development for Ethiopia’s energy sector, the Ministry of Mines has announced the discovery of a 21.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas in the Ogaden region.

Mines State Minister Million Mathewos expressed that a survey supported with the drilling of 19 wells in the Ogaden region has confirmed the presence of 21 billion, 336 million cubic meters of natural gas.

“Extensive work has been done to utilize the resources in the Ogaden area of the Somali state in a proper manner, and it has been confirmed that there are other mineral resources in the area,” Million said.

The State Minister also noted that Ethiopia is home to oil and natural gas deposits in six different locations, including Ogaden, Mekele, Metema, South Omo, and Gambella.

“We are working to bring the newly discovered natural gas into production as early as next year,” he said. “While some resource exploration projects can take years, we are confident of achieving success in a shorter timeframe here.”

The government is providing various forms of support and monitoring to ensure the effectiveness of the ongoing exploration and development efforts, Million stated.

As the mining sector is one of the main pillars of the country’s economic development, the government is committed to harnessing the full potential of Ethiopia’s natural resources, he stressed.

In addition to the natural gas discovery, Million mentioned that Ethiopia is also focusing on the development of its geothermal energy sector.

He explained that the government is working in cooperation with the states and the private sector to build major geothermal projects, which will not only contribute to the country’s energy supply but also create significant job opportunities.

This latest discovery of natural gas in the Ogaden region is a testament to Ethiopia’s rich natural resources and the government’s efforts to harness them for the country’s economic growth and energy security, he said.




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