Effectuating youth centers, nurturing youths’ talent

The Global Human Capital Report 2017 indicated that the world is endowed with a vast wealth of human talent. The ingenuity and creativity at our collective disposal provides us with the means not only to address the great challenges of our time but also, critically, to build a future that is more inclusive and human centric

. All too often, however, human potential is not realized, held back either by inequality or an unrealistic and outdated faith on the part of policymakers that investment in small sub sections of highly skilled labor alone can drive sustainable, inclusive growth.

In most cases, senior citizens, researchers, the media and, to some extent, senior state cabinets across many countries are heard harshly criticizing the youths for being victims of drug and alcohol, involving in drug-related crimes and juvenile delinquency. But, that is not enough. Youths have great talents and are always desirous to fulfill their ever increasing demands.

However, unless the society or the government put in place the right response to help them satisfy some of their demands, the youths are likely to develop deviant behaviors. And the complaints of the aforementioned sects would never end.

“Almost everything that is great has been done by youth” and “The Youth of a Nation are the trustees of posterity” are among the notable quotes from the speeches of Benjamin Disraeli (21 December 1804- 19 April 1881) [he was a British statesman of the Conservative Party who twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.]

The 2017 World Population Data Sheet states that the world youth population (ages 15 to 24) is projected to rise to 1.4 billion by 2050 from 1.2 billion now. Similarly, Africa’s youth population will be projected to 35 percent from 20 percent today. As to our case, according to some sources, 28% of the Ethiopian population is between the ages of 15- 29. This period is the most productive period where they strive to build their future; discover and harness their talent.

This segment of the society can be a powerful development engine if and only if provided with the necessary skills, knowledge and civic virtues and far beyond that proper mentor.

It is obvious that, if the nation needs tangible economic and social transformation, this huge sect of the population need to be hugely involved. Ensuring its effectiveness needs grassroots cultivation, and here showcase is creating conducive environment. Cognizant of it, the government has built multipurpose youth centers especially in cities to ensure accessibility of required places where the youth can pursue skill, knowledge and wisdom.

Yohannes Sisay, a youth center member at Arada Sub-city Woreda 10 has this to say: “Previously, I had nowhere to go for recreation in my neighborhood. I had to stay too long in front of my house doing nothing in my spare time. But some of my friends used to go even to Khat parlors.” He adds that the government’s practical endeavor to expand youth centers to every neighborhood here in the capital has played tremendous role to shelter the youth from unintended consequences of juvenile delinquency.

“I and my friends can manage our time properly now. We do our studies at the library in the youth center, play various sports games and receive life skills trainings.” Eyob Eshetie, Addis Ketema Sub-city Woreda 06 Youth Center Coordinator, for his part elaborates that the Center provides important trainings to the youth and discharges its responsibility of shaping the youth to be ethical, industrious and patriotic.

To him, this is the main objective of all youth centers nationwide. Youths being grouped in various age brackets receive trainings regularly and compete with their peers in various sports games.

They enthusiastically perform their competition as well. These youth centers deliver physical exercises and sport trainings along with assessing students’ educational performance aiming to equip the youth with both. Such measure should be appreciated as it is the right way to harness ingenious youth with glamorous future both physically and academically. In addition to this, participating the youth in different sport contests and physical exercises has significant benefits for health. For instance, it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, colon and breast cancer and depression.

Thus the youths would finally entertain a happy, well-managed and successful life in their future endeavors. According to physicians’ recommendations, the amount of exercise per week for most healthy adults is at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes vigorous aerobic activity per week. Hence, having physical exercises in youth centers is also enhancing the youth to be productive. Another aspect of training, as to the coordinator, has been developing communication skills. Recalling the fact that the customers of the centers are youngsters, equipping them with scientific communicative skills is pivotal for their future educational, professional and social interaction.

The centers, thus, are serving as excellence venues to foster interactive communication skills among the youth as well with the experts. In the due process, the professionals themselves as well learn how to communicate with the youth. As a result, the process paves way to respond and reach on consensus on the services and loopholes observed. He underlines that the youth should understand what to do in the centers and which talent-developing training skills he/she should engage in.

According to him, the number of talent training areas and trainers is increasing from time to time. As to him, apart from sport contests and communicative skill trainings, computer skill, first aid, traditional and modern dance, life skill, entrepreneurship trainings are the major training services of the Centers. He added that, having realized this, the government has launched a number of youth centers across the city and the country. However, this does not mean that all youth centers are well furnished with the necessary equipment. Some centers lack the required facilities.

According to some clients who frequently visit the centers, except for some, the youth facilities are not well furnished. It is also widely experienced fact that shortage of professionals is also hindering services.

Currently, various governmental and non-governmental organizations are also working on providing the best for the future generations. Enhancing youths; active engagement in sports, arts, music and other talents would pay back. Thus, such trainings would help upgrade the skills and knowledge of youth center professionals. However, lack of skilled experts is hindering the youths from further exploiting their ingenious talents and nurture it to professionalism, youths commented.

There has been no adequate manpower in every discipline, but different trainings would support youths to overcome problems regarding managing their efforts. However, as to the youths, apart from scarcity of professional across different fields, there is massive employee turnover.

Though the city has 106 centers, most of them are not providing the intended services due to shortage of professionals and lack of facilities. The youth have unique talents and interests which should be handled with different professionals of respected sectors. Meeting and satisfying the interests of these youths with multiple talents and interests highly demands material and manpower efficiency.

A single professional specializing at a single field is not expected to match multiple of interests. However, as to the youths, what is happening in most of the centers is trying to cover everything with few experts. Moreover, efforts are underway to provide the centers with the necessary facilities. This reporter has learnt that, libraries, meeting halls and reproductive health centers are the prioritized ones to be equipped with required resources.

The youths stated that the Youth Centers found in various parts of the city are a place where the youths develop their personal skills and share experiences. To make them convenient for the youngsters, the centers should have gymnastic, pool, volleyball courts. These would help the youth to develop their talents and promote their personal skills. The facilities are more than recreational places; they would serve as talent nurturing skills.

Hence the youth should spend their time on the centers regardless of the lack of the required materials which the bureau is attempting to address. Indeed nowadays, youths are playing a prominent role involving in innovation, research and scientific studies for the betterment of our planet. Hence, their contribution is massive in transforming the world’s economy. Ethiopia being the second populous nation in Africa offers the youth with various opportunities.

Scaling up the good practices and overcoming the challenges, the nation will continue being safe haven to the youth in the years to come. If the efforts continue with such fervor, youths like Yohannes will get the necessary skills, knowledge and civic virtues, and senior citizens complaints will never be heard of.

Herald December 26/2018


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