A lady who proved worthy in the acid test of integrity

Editor’s Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald More often than not,wranglings, clashes and bloodshed attend election results in most developing countries.

Ballot boxes were rigged, they were stolen,the competition ground was not
level,we did not get enough media time to introduce our party’s programs, the
media coverage was asymmetrical,we were short of budget given a cold shoulder
by National Election Board (NEB), we doubt the veracity of (NEB) whose members
were handpicked by the government and which with alacrity saw to the dictates of
the latter and also the party in grip of power was using government resources while
canvassing were among the complaints heard.

Intimidation of electors and giving election cards to the underage to widen fan
base were also among sources of bickering.

A question mark hanged over election investigators that proved careless in closely observing things, our contending party members in states were subject to hassles and detention by the police the slavishly supported the government in power were also entailed in the post-election cry.

Though we doubt judicial independence, we shall sue the leading party that
won with a landslide victory wraps up their clamur for justice that falls on deaf

It is knowing full well the presence of these problems the reformed government
of Ethiopia led by Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed decided to take a bold step to
dispel such doubts. For the helm of NEB he proposed to the parliament a lady,
Birtukan Medeksa, who emerged with flying colors in the acid test of integrity.

It was almost unanimously(4 opposition & 3 abstentions) she won approval and sworn in
by Federal Supreme Court President Meaza Ashenafi, one of the competent ladies
that came to the political scene in tandem with the political change in the country.
As a judge,for the unflinching stance Birtukan showed for the delivery of
justice against the teeth of dictators bordering on despots, her name rings a bell in the
minds of Ethiopians.

She released free a high ranking government official that broke
ranks with contemporaries,who went astray, and as a retaliatory measure got accused with
fictitious allegations they could not prove before court. It was with the following words
the acquitted,who was once a combatant(Minister of Defence) lauded her saying “I had
seen many heroes in the battlefield,but I have never seen a valorous person like you!”

This statement shows that Birtukan,unflinching respect for the law, is a person better
placed to run NEB. She as well came at the right time to propel the change drive.
After the contested 2005 election she was detained under lame pretexts by the
sanctimonious democrats.

Yet she neither buckled under their intimidation nor stooped to
allurement to their folds like the opportunist politicians. This has won her thumbs up by
most Ethiopians. This unfolding also goes a long way in building confidence of citizens
about the change that ensued .

No doubt, given her experience and education, she could handle tasks efficiently
backed by competent support staffers that see to other aspects of the task . She could also
be hard pressed for time as the next election is fast approaching— a bit more than a year.

She has to think of this. Though some complain that she has stayed long abroad,the fact that she acquired deeper and further knowledge doing researches in her field of studies and management helps her to handle the entrusted task efficiently. Birtukan has expressed interest,willingness and determination to serve her country
tirelessly and faithfully.

The bottom line is the change underway obligates leaders who have integrity. The
government deserves appreciation for scouting for such individuals and bringing them to
the political limelight.

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