Improving hotel industry development

Ethiopia’s hotel industry has been showing growth over the past few years. The government, with the aim to further flourishing the industry and boost up its economic benefits, has been working to standardized hotels by adopting a policy that allows doing so.

According to the 11th Annual survey by World Hospitality Group, Ethiopia stands on fourth in hotel development in Africa. The Survey further explained that the country has seen another increase in pipeline deals, up from 31 hotels, signed by the international chains such as Accor and Hilton, as well as by regional chains such as aha and Latitude.

According to the Ethiopian Second National Hotel Grading Report of 2019, 88 Ethiopian hotels were identified to obtain star grading and among these, 83 hotels got rank from one up to four stars.

As to the report, among the 83 star hotels, 12 hotels awarded four stars, 13 three stars, 31 two stars and 27 hotels got one star grade. The source stressed that though grading was undertaken by native experts, the scheme was designed in line with international hotel grading standards. There are also several hotels which were unable to get star grading due to their recent opening and unwillingness to get the level, the report mentioned.

Tadele Jemal, Senior Communication Expert of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism said that the country has been enhancing hotel development through increasing the number of brand hotels and improving the hospitality level of the existing hotels by conducting supportive evaluation and monitoring activities.

According to him, the government has been giving special attention for the sector and encouraging investors to invest in the sector. As a result, the number of foreign and local investor capitalizing in the sector has been increasing from time to time.

Further to encourage investors who invest in the sector, the government has allowed duty free importation of different materials for one to five star designated hotels, as to him Lack of skilled man power, and unprofessional leaders and employees were among the largest challenges of the sector. But the fact that the new openings of hotel and tourism department in government and private higher education has contributed a lot in providing skilled human power to the market, he noted

Dejenu Nigussie, Senior Expert of Hotel and Tour Operator Supervision with the Ministry said that various star hotels are being constructed in Addis Ababa and in States.

He stressed that due to the better hospitality of Ethiopian hotels, lots of international conferences and forums have been undertaking in the country. And, this has paved the way to promote the image of the country through these opportunities.

He noted that the Ministry carries out continuous evaluation and monitoring activities to improve the hospitality of hotels and support them in accordance to the result of the evaluation. Consequently, the Ministry provides capacity building trainings for hotel managers and employees.

Minister Dr Hirut Kassaw on her part said that the expansion of star hotels throughout the country is advantageous for the owners of the hotels and build the image of the country.

To further improve the service quality of the hotels and their grades, the Ministry is committed to carryout appropriate monitoring and evaluation supports that are relevant to the industry, as to her.

Being competitiveness on behalf hotels in terms of providing quality service is required to get star level, the Minister underscored.

The Ethiopian Herald August 7/2019


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