Citizens should work to sustain realized freedom: Experts

ADDIS ABABA- Experts urge the public to value and support the reform that is underway in the country in order to sustainably enjoy the freedom attained of late, amid sporadic violence over few areas.

Faji Chala, Lecturer at Dire Dawa’s Political science and International Relation Department said that the democratic landscape showed tangible improvement following the wave of reforms that stopped political suppression. As to him, only government affiliated media had the right to disseminate political views, of which, most or all of them reflected its views, while publicly voicing criticism was highly restricted few months back.

“Only media which support the government had the right to disseminate political messages before; and residents who once feared speaking publicly about politics now criticize and support whoever they want freely.” He noted that many political parties, which were labeled as terrorists, antidemocratic and anti-peace, whilst ironically being supported by the mass, got the chance to showcase their alternatives and hold open discussion with the ruling party.

The instructor, though, underlined that citizens should support the reform and protect it from possible forced reversal. “Though hope of freedom is flourishing, we are witnessing sporadic violence that are stirred by antireformists to cast frustration among the public and impede the reform.

Besides, since the reform is obtained through many sacrifices and the value of freedom is more than all, failure to support and safeguard the reform may cost the nation a lot.” He also lauded the measures taken by the Attorney General to detain individuals suspected of corruption and violating human rights, highlighting the positive role it plays in fostering transparency and accountability.

Haftu Tekle-Berhan, Civic and Ethical Education teacher, for his part said that the country needs to institutionalize the ongoing reforms so as to enjoy open and free political landscape with reliable sustainability.

As to Haftu, awareness gap on how to exercise and express/use the gained freedom has been observed widely, which might forces us to miss out the opportunity. Thus, he added, concerned bodies ought to pay due attention on awareness creation, and put clear line between freedom and lawlessness.

The Ethiopian Herald, December 26/2018


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