University vows to ensure women participation

ADDIS ABABA— Kotebe Metropolitan University expressed readiness to empower women by adjusting unique programs and on job training.

According to Berhane Mesekel (PhD), President of the University, the university is working with the city administration in academy related issues and well beyond to bring women to the top of the leadership ladder.

The University had organized research platforms to identify challenges facing women in various sector. “The first inspirational discussion that focused on prioritized and thematic areas such as entrepreneurship and women leadership was held with influential Ethiopian women,” he noted.

Apart from under and post graduates programs, the University has also finalized preparation to open colleges and departments in urban environmental technology and engineering and urban agriculture, among others; with all programs paying special attention to ensuring women empowerment, Berhane Mesekel confirmed.

Elzar Tadesse (PhD), Vice President of the University’s Research and community service, for her part said that the University is committed to be part of the communities with a bold motto – “Committed to Sustainable Urban development”. Currently, the University is working with Addis Ababa Education Bureau in training women principals, aiming to equip them with up-to-date managerial skills.

The notion of ladies first that has been used for mere political consumption has to be changed once for all. The reform applied to ensure 50/50 cabinet appointment should be practiced in the lower stratum, she emphasized. Ensuring equal representation in each ladder is essential to unchain the dearth.

The University is working to avert misconceptions and illpractices in organizing these kinds of inspirational platforms that could engrave the mentality of possibility among women. The University will keep on working with the relevant stakeholders in addressing the gaps in the urban development efforts, she added.

The Ethiopian Herald, December 26/2018


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