Ethiopia welcomed 8,000 African Union guests
Ethiopia has successfully hosted the 37th African Union ordinary session of the heads of States and Governments and the 44th Ordinary session of the AU Executive Committee last week. Ethiopia welcomed over 8,000 AU guests during the AU ordinary session with better hospitality.
Performing its regular task, Bole International Airport received 54 charter flights during the AU session. The whole process of the AU summit was successful on all fronts. The summit saw the participation of 31 heads of state and six vice presidents.
Ambassador Bertukan Ayano, State Minister at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia
Adwa museum African pride, glory: Chad Prime Minister
Adwa Victory Memorial is a living African pride, independence and glory. I visited the Adwa Victory Memorial; the grand memorial is an asset for all Africans.
As an African I really feel honored and proud to come here and see that there is this Africa that we don’t talk a lot of. I think this is a time for all Africans to remember that here in Ethiopia, here in Africa some from day one were free in their mindset, in their battle and they remain free.
Succès Masra, Prime Minister of Chad
Ethiopia finalizes preparations to trade under AfCFTA
Ethiopia has set to exchange goods under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) following endorsement of country’s tariff line. Leaders of the African Union member states have endorsed Ethiopia’s tariff line for goods to be traded under the AfCFTA.
We have now the opportunity to join the nine countries which are implementing the AfCFTA. Tariff concessions have been made on commodities on aggregate. During the summit, our goods tariff offer was endorsed by the ministers of trade of African governments to trade under AfCFTA and this is a great success.
Ambassador Mesganu Arega, State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia
AU should endorse Amharic as official language: Nigerian film writer
The African Union should add Amharic as its official language. Making Amharic one of the African Union’s official languages is subject to leaders’ commitment. I have a vision that the AU leaders would make Amharic an official AU language.
I will continue to advocate and campaign to make Amharic as one of the AU official languages. To realize it, I am making partnerships with influential Ethiopians including Athlete Haile Gebreselasse and other figures to mobilize strong local support for the campaign. As a film writer, director, and producer, I am utilizing Amharic’s subtitle for my films.
Rahmatou Keita, Campaigner, Nigerian philosopher, linguist, film writer and director
Ethiopia achieves successful diplomatic activities over the week: Amb. Meles
Ethiopia has carried out successful diplomatic activities that respect its national interests during the 37th African Union Summit.
In addition to successfully hosting the 37th heads of State and Governments Summit, successful diplomatic activities have been carried out on the basis of national interest of the country at the summit.
Parallel to the summit, sideline discussions were held with many African countries to further strengthen effective bilateral and multilateral relations with the countries.
Ambassador Meles Alem (PhD), Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia