Indonesia to diversify business in Ethiopia

 ADDIS ABABA — The trade and investment relations between Ethiopia and Indonesia has been increasing over the last two years, despite the existing shortage of foreign currency in Ethiopia, Indonesian Ambassador to Ethiopia stated.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald held yesterday, Indonesian Ambassador Al Busyra Basnur said that he found Dessie town, Amhara state, suitable for doing businesses with Indonesian companies in various sectors such as agriculture, animal husbandry, and aquaculture.

Since the city has rich historic heritages, the city has also the potential to develop the tourism sector, and to boost the economic cooperation with Indonesian counterparts, he added.

In his official visit to Dessie, the Ambassador said he will work on establishing sister-city relationship between Dessie and a city in Indonesia. The Ambassador also invited the participant business organizations to come to Indonesian Trade Expo (ITE) to be held in Jakarta from October 16 to 20, 2019.

As to the Ambassador, this expo is the biggest annual trade expo in Indonesia, where thousands of buyers, businessmen, government officials will participate on the expo.

Business community in Dessie has also shown interest to participate on the expo in Indonesia, he added.

On the sideline of his visit, the Ambassador met the community of Wollo University in Dessie campus. In

 the discussions held with over eighty instructors, five board members and students, he pledged to establish cooperation linkage and exchange of students between Wollo University and Indonesian universities.

“We hold seminar on peace and democracy to share Indonesia’s experience to the community of Wollo University in terms of peace and democracy.”

 According to the Ambassador, the Embassy of Indonesia in Ethiopia held a panel discussion on peace and democracy two months ago in collaboration with Hawassa University, in which various politicians, academicians, and youth associations took part.

The Ambassador also stated that there are five Indonesian garment companies investing in Bishoftu and Hawassa Industrial Parks.

Dessie City Administration Industry and Investment Bureau Head Belayneh Hailu told The Ethiopian Herald that the Ambassador’s visit to Dessie has created special interest from the side of the business communities to work particularly with the Indonesian counterparts. The City Administration works on attracting Indonesian companies to invest in Dessie, he added.

The Ethiopian Herald August 04/2019


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