Reaffirmed commitment ought to produce desired results

The 44th Executive Council Meeting and the 37th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union that was held from 14- 18 February 2024 and deliberated on a range of continental matters concluded by reaffirming commitment to address the continent’s challenges, prioritize key areas, and solidify international diplomacy.

Among the topics discussed thoroughly by the leaders were accessibility of quality education, peace and security challenges, AU’s reform initiatives, human rights, good governance, sustainable development and the implementation of Agenda 2063.

Concluding the Session, the Summit renewed commitment to enhance efforts and address the most pressing challenges of the continent and to realize the continental vision. To tackle the challenges and secure a brighter future for Africa, the need for concerted actions was also highlighted.

Africa as a continent is struggling with myriads of challenges and has been entangled with numerous unresolved matters which in turn delaying its growth and development. Even though the continent is blessed with abundant natural and human resources, multitudes of its peoples still live in poverty. Poor educational and health system, underdeveloped and inadequate infrastructures, the adverse impacts of climate change and food security coupled with weak institutions and governance as well as peace and security threats among others are casting a shadow over Africa’s development endeavors and its growth. It time for African leaders to change these circumstances through cultivating Africa’s natural resources.

In fact, addressing Africa’s major challenges and building a strong Africa does not fall on the mercy of any foreign forces; rather, it is in the hands of its own children. And, no one else but it is only Africans who can develop Africa. In this regard, the role and responsibilities of the African Union Commission (AUC), the continental bloc, is multidimensional. Confidently, the African leaders have carefully realized the commitment the current situation demands so that they can contribute their share to transform the continent.

As part of this mission, the Commission in its most recent session has reaffirmed commitment to find solutions to the continent’s most demanding problems, prioritize key areas, and solidify international diplomacy. It has renewed commitment to fend off peace, security and instability challenges, democracy, good governance and unconstitutional government changes, to invest in and work on continents’ educational matters, and the like many concerns that remain hindrances for Africa to achieve its peace and development aspirations- Agenda 2063 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Commission should exert more energy and work diligently to bring tangible outcomes; going far beyond making promises.

Mainly, by building strong partnership with member countries, creating resilient institutions and exploring new ways, it should follow up, assess and evaluate the progress and implementation processes of agreed commitments to achieve the needed outcomes.

More importantly, as one hand cannot clap; it takes two to tango, African leaders should show political will and take bold actions in supporting the Union’s efforts. Similarly, policymakers, analysts, researchers, academics, and development professionals should put the right policy and strategy in place to facilitate Africans’ future development. They must take a long and hard look at the continent’s development problems and on the ways of improving Africa’s poor economic performance by devising practical policies and strategies to let Africa stand by its own feet at all means.


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