Manifestation of patriotism

It is a custom that Ethiopians are always willing to display their patriotism whenever there are issues of national significance. This was clearly demonstrated on Monday when they welcomed the call of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed to come out and take part in a one day tree plantation campaign, the Green Legacy Initiative, aiming to curb and counter the negative impact of deforestation and climate change.

Officials say that over 350 million trees have been planted across the country within a 12-hour span, potentially breaking the world record for the most trees planted in one day.

What was witnessed on Monday was the climax of what has been happening since the start of the rainy season back in May when the Prime Minister announced his ‘Green Legacy’ Initiaitive, which has a target of planting 4 billion trees this rainy season. So far, Ethiopians have managed to plant 2.6 billion trees during the rainy season.

On the day, Ethiopians, irrespective of gender, age, economic status, political affiliation, religion or ethnicity, actively participated in the campaign. Simply put, it was a direct manifestation of patriotism.

Due to rapid population growth, urbanization and rising demand for energy, Ethiopia has lost most of its forest coverage in the past century. This is a big loss particularly at a time when countries are facing the effects of globalization such as climate change. That is why climate change induced drought has been hindering the country’s lofty development goals.

According to the UN, Ethiopia’s forest coverage was just four percent in the 2000s, down from 35 percent a century earlier. Ethiopians understood the value of what they lost. That is why Ethiopians from all walks of life responded to the call by the government with such a spirit of patriotism. The initiative has reignited a sense of duty and responsibility in the hearts and minds of the public.

Hence, citizens should use Monday’s success as a springboard to strengthen unity and sense of patriotism to overcome the challenges the country is facing. In many walks of life, Ethiopia is rich in terms of patriots who dedicated their lives for the cause of the country and its people.

Overcoming various natural and human-made challenges, Ethiopian courageous and staunch patriots have made the motherland to enjoy everlasting independence. Now, it is the responsibility of this generation to follow same suit.

In this time of hope and progress, the country has been experiencing various difficulties including ethnic conflicts and violence here and there. Hence, it is such a patriotic feeling that can unite Ethiopians to get through the transition.

On the other hand, as the trees survive and bear the desired fruits, Ethiopians will look back to this time and cherish what they did. But for that to happen, both the government and citizens face a great task ahead in dealing with the current problems of the country.

With unity and sense of patriotism, they have to be able to ensure peace and stability, maintain their age-long tradition of harmonious coexistence and realize a successful transition to democracy.

The Ethiopian Herald August 1/2019

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