Premier extends gratitude to Monday’s tree planting participants

ADDIS ABABA- Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed expressed his gratitude to Ethiopians for their active participation on last Monday’s record-breaking tree plantation campaign.

On a press release sent by Office of the Prime Minister, the Premier said that the Monday’s event has showcased amazing instances that displayed the peoples’ commitment to contribute their part in the Green Legacy campaign.

“Accepting my green legacy national initiative, Ethiopians regardless of differences in age, status, and professional background, have taken part in this historic day.” This incredible wave of enthusiastic public participation will be forever etched in the country’s history books.

The Premier further said that the commitment and enthusiasm the people have shown on Monday was incredible. Diasporas have assisted us financially; institutions have sent their staffs and employees, diplomats and international organizations working in the country have exerted efforts to put their marks in the program. In some places religious leaders have given their blessings before commencing the initiative.

The fact that the plan was to plant 200 million seedlings, and the campaign ended with over 353 million seedlings being planted – notwithstanding time constraint and shortage of seedling – is a show that Ethiopians can do anything if they stand together, the message read.

He stressed that the plantation is not a single day campaign; rather it is something that should be done for the whole summer.

Further, the Premier underlined that on that historic campaign the people not only planet trees, but it also served an opportunity for them to air their views/opinions.

The Prime Minister also extended special thanks to those who were closely involved in the event. The national committee that led the process, members of the Technic committee, experts who gathered information and those who were monitoring the data is accurate, among others, were appreciated for their lion-share involvement in the project.

“While we are thrilled by our achievements, we will learn from our mistakes. This is not a one day campaign. We will work on it throughout the whole summer/kiremt, and will keep on until our country becomes greener to level of its name qualifies.

The Premier also pointed out country’s capacity to grow the seedling that was planted is below 50 percent, which, according to him, should be elevated to 70 percent in the coming years by addressing the existing shortcomings.

He concluded his statement by again extending his gratitude to everyone that were involved in creating this historic feat.

The Ethiopian Herald July 31/2019


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