Admin. takes significant steps to make Wolaita business, tourism destination

ADDIS ABABA- Wolaita Sodo’s status as a political and administrative seat for South Ethiopia State gives the town a significant impetus to attract businesses and tourists, the Zone’s Chief Administrator said.

Approached by The Ethiopian Herald, Wolaita Zone Chief Administrator Samuel Fola stated that the local administration’s effort has borne fruits in facilitating the involvement of a sizeable number of investors in different sectors in the town and environs.

Apart from being the economic center of the State, the zone has immense tourism potential which could be translated into vast economic opportunities for investors, especially for those who are keen to engage in the service sector.

Mount Damota, the highest peak in Wolaita, AjoraTwin Waterfall, the artificial Lake of Gibe III as well as the MochenaBorago rock shelter and archaeological site and other sites give the area unique features and make it the most suitable place for tourist inflow, Samuel added.

“Since tourism is amongst the priority areas in the Home Grown Economic Reform, the zone has great potential in the sector; he noted, adding that the area has better infrastructure in terms of electricity and all-weather roads.

Wolaita’s six asphalt roads and one standardized concrete road have also significantly contributed tofacilitating trade activities. Besides, there are 13 private and 2 government banks operating in the area.

In terms of skilled labor force,there are about 30,000 university graduates that could fit in the service, manufacturing and industry sectors.

The Chief Administrator also mentioned that Wolaita is a peaceful peace which is critical for the tourism sector as well as the flow of investment. Moreover, the zonal administration has taken significant steps to make the place a preferred destination for investors and to set a favorable business climate.

About the provision of plots for investors, the Zone is closely working with the city administration to avail the land in a competitive lease price.

Also, consolidated efforts are underway to enhance the area’s status in medical tourism and the establishment of Soddo Christian Hospital could be the testimony to this ambition. The hospital is the place where the first orthopedics wasconducted in East Africa where several specialists that are drawn from Kenya, South Sudan, and other countries took part, Samuel remarked.



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