Ethiopia rewrites world history planting over 353 mln. trees in a day Smashes world record in a half day PM plants tree in memory of a martyr

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia wrote the world’s tree planting history yesterday as it achieved its Green Legacy Campaign by planting 353,633,660 tree seedlings in a single day. It as well smashed world record that was held by India in a half day transplanting over 72 million tree saplings.

In related news, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed planted trees in Arba Minch and Wolayita zones of SNNP State. Addressing the crowd gathered at the Wolayita Stadium, he said: “I just planted a tree seeding in memory of martyr Yosef Ayalew who lost his life for my sake at the Mass Support Rally in Addis Ababa on June 23, 2018.”

Martyr Yosef hailed from Wolayita Sodo.

The Ethiopian Herald July 30/2019


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