“United we stand, divided we fall”

Adwa is not only a victory of Ethiopians but also it is a win that heralded freedom for all black people in Africa and all over the world who had been the subject of colonization and that of slavery.

Ethiopia as a country made up of different nations, nationalities and peoples who have defended its sovereignty by sacrificing their life for the sake of its peace and stability. As repeatedly indicated by historians and political analysts concerning Ethiopia`s greatness, the strong sense of national identity and pride is one reason behind all the successful victories Ethiopians registered impressive successes in all the attempts of aggressions – including the decisive Victory of Adwa.

Unity among Ethiopians is one of the basic secrets of Adwa Victory. Though different in culture, language, religion or other values, Ethiopians were united to defend their land. This strong Ethiopian sentiment that was witnessed in the Battle of Adwa is still fresh within the bloodstream of the new generation that detests all forms of aggression.

What is more, the cultural unity, leadership, collaboration, and nationalistic spirit displayed during the Battle of Adwa validated Ethiopia’s commitment to preserving their independence and sovereignty.

As it was indicated at a consultative meeting organized by the Ministry of Peace in collaboration with Semera University and held at Afar State recently, the Victory of Adwa is a seal that certifies Ethiopians unity.

At the consultative forum conducted at Semera Town, with the theme “Adwa for strong nation building”, Peace State Minister Kayredin Tezera (PhD) said that Adwa is a victory where Ethiopians showed commitment and fought courageously to defend nation’s territorial integrity, sustain its independence and sovereignty.

He said that Adwa is a victory by which Ethiopians paid sacrifice to hand over united Ethiopia to the next generations. Adwa also witnessed the fact that no matter what their differences are, Ethiopians have no tolerance for aggression and will not refrain from defending their country’s sovereignty. “The Battle of Adwa was a time when Ethiopians set aside their differences and stood as one for the sake of preserving Ethiopia`s sovereignty. This generation has a responsibility in the process of building a strong nation and preserving its peace.”

Mentioning the values that bind Ethiopians together and their strong ties with their country and their commitment to defend their country’s territorial integrity and its sovereignty, Kayredin said that the useless attempts exerted by some entities to erode Ethiopians unity have a goal of weakening the strong Ethiopia. Understanding this, Ethiopians should work sensibly to abort divisive narratives and stand in unison to ensure the nation’s peace and accelerate its development, he added.

Equally, it is vital to make higher education institutions places where the generation that builds the future Ethiopia is created. In the same way, university students should preserve and develop the value of togetherness and unity in order to sustain the country they have inherited from their forefathers. Building a strong nation based on trust and respect is a historical responsibility of this generation.

Regarding handling differences in a peaceful manner, the State Minister said that solving challenges needs considering diversity and ensuring that the problems are dealt with in a more civilized manner through discussion and in a peaceful way. This is expected from this generation.

There are several enabling potentials that can speed up Ethiopia`s progress. The Ministry of Peace is working to ensure sustainable peace all over the county. However, this effort must be supported by other institutions. In this respect, the role of scholars is key in supporting the effort through conducting scholarly researches and other ways.

Kayredin said that Ethiopia has several historical records that testify its potential and capability in overcoming hard times. This victory resulted from the fact that its children were and still are ready to scarify their interest for Ethiopia.

Foreign Relations and Peace Affairs Standing Committee Deputy Chairperson with the House of Peoples’ Representatives, Fetihi Mahdi (PhD) also said that the Victory of Adwa is not only a history but it is also an undying heroic deed that forefathers have passed down the values of unity, perseverance and heroism to the young generation.

“The victory, in addition to Ethiopians, is a source of pride for black people across the world. Taking lessons from the battle and victory of Adwa, we should strengthen unity and overcome our problems with a united power.”

According to her, we should beat poverty, sustain the existence of the country through paying the needed sacrifice and not kneeling down to external and internal pressures with courage that we inherited from our descendants who beat invaders fearlessly.

Certainly, there was no time that Ethiopians refrained from sacrificing their priceless life to preserve the sovereignty of Ethiopia. In times where military structure and the weaponry were unmatched, Ethiopians were there to defend their land from foreign aggressors. It was not the kind of weapon that they were armed that drove Ethiopians into the warfront to confront the Fascist Italians. Rather, it was the deep sense of nationalism that fueled Ethiopians motivation to protect their land from colonizers.

The strong sense of patriotism among the Ethiopians played a significant role in the victory at the Battle of Adwa. As indicated by various historical books, whenever Ethiopia`s sovereignty was threatened by the invading forces, there were no times Ethiopians hesitated in taking necessary response. This strong Ethiopian sentiment is not confined either by age, gender or ethnic considerations. Ethiopians from all corners of the country have contributed their share for the decisive Victory of Adwa.

In this regard, the role of women during the Battle of Adwa was essential and multifaceted. They played pivotal roles in supporting and motivating the Ethiopian soldiers, providing them with food, water and medical aid on the battlefield. Women also took part in the fighting, with some dressing as men and actively engaging in combat. Their bravery and contributions were crucial in the ultimate victory against the Italian forces, and their involvement served as a significant symbol of women empowerment and resilience during that time.

Adwa, the first African decisive victory against the colonizers was a battle that demonstrated unity, love and friendship among Ethiopians; but foremost, it was a time women`s active engagement was witnessed. Like their men counterparts’ women in Ethiopia have shown the world their courage and decisiveness to protect their lands from colonial powers. Individuals like Empress Taytu, and others are the best examples of this. Using her leadership skill together with her wisdom, she was able to mobilize the mass with her husband Emperor Minilik II.

Women were the leading force behind the Victory of Adwa, they were preparing food and water, providing medical care for the wounded and they were following the soldiers with a slogan of “freedom or death”. The heroic spirit that was witnessed at the Battle of Adwa is still intact among Ethiopian heroines. Ethiopian women have continued to play an active role in various aspects of Ethiopian society today. They are not simply “House wives. They are witnessing their capability in various spheres; they have made significant advancements in politics, education, public service and various professional fields. This is especially true after the political reformation that gave priority to women’s active involvement in leadership circles.

Ethiopians are preparing to commemorate Adwa. While marking this special day they have pledged to unite their hands together to repeat the deeds of their forefathers to realize economic prosperity, sustainable peace and stability.

Indeed, the motto “United we stand, divided we fall” rings true for Ethiopia. The country’s history has shown that unity among its diverse population is crucial for its progress and development. Ethiopia is a diverse nation with various ethnicities, languages, and religions, but it is through mutual understanding, respect, and solidarity that the country can overcome challenges and achieve its goals. When Ethiopians come together, regardless of their differences, they can work towards a common purpose, social, economic, or political victory. It is through unity that Ethiopia can build a strong and prosperous nation and ensure the well-being of its people.



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