Killing two birds with a stone

Warding off the repercussions of deforestation and getting a handsome return for doing so ensure dual benefits. Such tasks make our environment, boasting forests labeled carbon sinks, salubrious for living and allow the country garner hard currency, its Achilles heel.

Tragic as it may sound, the forest coverage of Ethiopia has reportedly made a nosedive by 26 percent in the span of the past three decades. Though the country abounds in natural resources, it is losing its forest and other natural wealth like biodiversity due to man-made and natural calamities. Following the population boom, farmers are encroaching on forests for want of additional farming plots. To cater to the ever-increasing demand of food, forests are seen ceding places or leaving room for large-scale farming telling on the need for a proper land management.

The felling of trees to meet the demand for firewood and construction purposes has also been militating against the country’s forest wealth. Also, for settlement purposes and expansion of towns forests were subject to destructions. At times, conflagrations, which occur here and there due to manmade reasons or otherwise, too are ascribable to the depletion of the country’s forest wealth.

As a result the aforementioned reckless moves, shortage of rain and erratic rain, have become manifest. A vicious cycle of drought and flood is affecting the country. Many areas marked for their green mantles are becoming arid fast. As such, poverty has continued rearing its head with added pace.

Cognizant of the aforementioned tragic episode, the government is displaying conviction to spare the country sliding into a slippery slope. It is pursuing a climate-resilient development program. As part of its bid of reforestation, tomorrow, the premiere at the forefront, the country is determined to surpass a record high of transplanting 4 billion tree seedlings.

Seeing to the transformation of the saplings into trees is also part of the conviction being showcased by citizens. Here, it is heartening to note that foreign diplomats, representatives of international organizations and society lions too will partake in the tree seedling transplantation program demonstrating the nobleness of the task.

Besides helping the country forestalling the attendant ills of climate change, the all-out move helps in buttressing agriculture productivity, for precipitation and underground water set the presence of abundant forest wealth as a precondition.

Subject to the conspiracy of El Nino and La Nina , for a score of years, the country was forced to witness heavy animal and human death tolls. As such, thrown out of balance, the country was forced to lapse into dependency syndrome. To confront the challenge the country is introducing trees and crops that withstand the brunt of drought.

It is as part of the bid to reverse the sad episode citizens have mounted a tree-planting campaign. As forests serve carbon sinks, allowing offsetting the carbon emission of industrialized countries the country could win hard currency for the services its forests render as lungs of the environment not to mention their role in resuscitating soil and underground water. Therefore, the move of transplanting tree seedlings, seeing to their transformation into trees as well as conserving forest is tantamount to killing two birds with a stone.

As is seen in states like Tigray, denuded lands could resuscitate if tended. The flora and fauna of a denuded area could reclaim its former milieu. Therefore there is no room for hopelessness. The campaign of reforestation must be made a point. In concert with International stakeholders like REDD+ the country should actively engage in the reforestation work.

Energy saving stoves must be promoted. Also focusing on solar and wind energy is sagacious as they help to ward off deforestation. Deepening awareness on issues discussed above must be made a point.

The Ethiopian Herald, Sunday Edition July 28/2019

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