For a bright future of refugees

Migration is one of the worst circumstances human beings can face in their lifetime. Homesickness, insecurity, illness, lack of education and hunger among others are their concern.

In a place away from home, they mostly face difficulty to plan for their future until they either return home or they can get a place to settle permanently and call it home. Ethiopia is one of the few countries in the world know for its welcom­ing policy for refugees. It has been providing a safe place for refugees. People who fled their homes from neighboring countries like South Su­dan, Somali, and Eritrea, as well as many others, stay in the country as refugees.

Until they get a permanent place to settle the refugees may take as long as 10 years. This is such a long time for refugees. This can be considered a time wasted from their lives.The government of Ethiopia has been giving scholarship opportuni­ties for young refugees from neighboring countries. This is a very help­ful measure in brightening the future of refugees. It enables them to secure jobs easily or get an opportunity to permanently settle in a third country.

Beyond providing an opportunity for a better future for the individ­uals, Ethiopia’s effort is likely to have far-reaching importance for the entire region. Ethiopia is strategically located in the center of the Horn of Africa region. It is considered as a haven for people in the neighbor­ing countries during times of adversity. Through time the people have also considered it their second home.

This has added Ethiopia’s credibility in maintaining good relation­ships among people. Just as the refugees are welcome in Ethiopia, people from Ethiopia are also warmly welcome in these countries. Hence it catalyzes the high-level efforts of the political leadership of the region informing regional integration.

Ethiopia is a developing country that struggles to maintain a steady growth of its economy. It still has to work more strenuously to build its economy strong enough so that it can provide a large number of its poor population, and create employment for the millions of young population.

Yet the offer is made to provide education opportunities can be con­sidered generous. So far refugees have been attending education and training in various Universities and vocational training institutions. Some of the programs are supported by friendly countries as well as charities.

As compared to the number of refugees that need similar support, there is a need to widen the opportunity. Providing more chances to the refugees benefits not only the refugees but also the host coun­tries as well as their ultimate destination.

Therefore, refugee receiving countries and international charities should give due attention to the issue and increase their collaboration with countries like Ethiopia in paving a bright future for refugees.

The Ethiopian Herald July 27/2019

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