Controlling illicit coffee trade ensures the nation’s benefit

ADDIS ABABA- Concerted efforts are crucial to increase awareness among the society members and establish strong market linkages that help control illicit coffee trade in the nation, according to Oromia State Market Development Agency.

Genet Abdella, Deputy Head of the Agency, told The Ethiopian Herald that the State is providing different training on how to control an illicit trade on coffee for farmers and exporters in collaboration with the Authority.

According to her, the failure of the world market coffee price and the weak control system are serious factors that hinder the efforts of avoiding illegal trade on coffee crops during the past many years. Due to this, the State loses more than 28 million birr every year.

As to her, close to 11 checkpoints exist in the State and illegal coffee trade control committees that are responsible for their nearest woreda were formed at each checkpoint. In addition to this, the task force- led by State’s president was organized at the State level and the task force is expected to carry out its duties till kebele level.

On the other hand, encouraging coffee exporters, offering rewards for farmers to produce quality and competitive products, and arranging access to credit is what the State is doing, she added.

Shafi Umer, Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority and Marketing Department Head, on his part said his sector is working to beef up control on illicit coffee trade through using various mechanisms.

He agrees that selfishness, lack of integration, and bureaucratic system among others are serious problems that impede the endeavor of controlling the illegal trade during the past periods. However, following the reform, farmers have got more than six alternative ways to export their coffee legally. In the same way, coffee providers and exporters have a chance to gain more than three alternative ways to export coffee crops, unlike the previous days when they had one way of the system.

According to Shafi, the Authority has prepared a plan and signed a memorandum of understanding recently with Addis Ababa City Administration and Diredawa City Administration to control illegal trade on the coffee crop.

Moreover, the Authority has gained more than 15 million Birr from over 240 tons of contraband coffee in the past 2017 fiscal year. This shows that the country simply loses a huge amount of income through the cause of illegal coffee trade.

Extending the control system from federal to kebele level is the other systematic way of controlling an illicit coffee trade, he said.

The Ethiopian Herald July 27/2019


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