UAE offers entrepreneurial training for Ethiopian women

ADDIS ABABA – The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been offering entrepreneurial training in the fields of leadership and development of business skills for three hundred women in partnership with Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC) of Ethiopia.

In his remark at the opening session of the five-day training here Thursday, Urban Development and Construction State Minister, Mesfin Assefa said that entrepreneurship has a paramount importance to create more and better jobs and sustain the economic growth.

“Despite Ethiopia’s impressive economic growth of the past 15 years, unemployment, especially among youth and women, is very high and the government could not tackle it alone.”

The State Minister noted that the government has been undertaking unprecedented political and economic reforms and set an enabling business climate so as to unleash the immense potential of the private sector in job creation.

Mesfin called on the trainees to play a leading role in the ongoing reforms, as fully empowered women are essential for prosperous, equitable and inclusive society. He also recognized the support of Ethiopia’s key partners such as the UAE, in the country’s efforts for developing entrepreneurship.

UAE Embassy Political, Economic and Media Affairs Head, Ahmed Al Badawi said on his part that the UAE Government believes in the power of women and the role they can play in society and it has seen the outcome of engaging and empowering women in the country’s development.

“Women in the UAE are now role models, who are taking an active part in decision making and many others are pioneers in development of various sectors in the country, which makes the UAE an exemplary in the region and rest of the world,” he added.

Emphasizing the UAE’s commitment towards women empowerment locally, regionally and globally, Al Badawi said that the Emirates has supported and continues to support various initiatives and programs for women empowerment and gender equality in many other countries including Ethiopia.

According to the press release the UAE Embassy sent to The Ethiopian Herald, the training focuses on women entrepreneurs with limited to no business experience, who are operating small and micro enterprises or aspiring entrepreneurs who are planning to establish their own businesses.

The Ethiopian Herald July 27/2019


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