Jimma University’s community service at its best

The establishment of higher education institutions in Ethiopia is to accomplish three major inter-related missions: teaching, research, and community service. Thus, community services and engagement is one of the three major pillars of universities.

For instance, for many years, Jimma University has been extending supports to farmers in its environs through offering technical training and giving improved seedlings aimed at raising crop production aside from teaching and conducting researches.

The university‘s Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine College Dean Dr. Fikadu Mitiku told The Ethiopian Herald that they are working in many pillars among this doing research and providing community services in various areas.

 Undergraduate and graduate students get involved in internship program for two consecutive years. They support farmers in identifying challenges in order to bring about lasting solutions via conducting practical studies during their stay in the university, he said.

“Our college’s students have been working in crop species, supplying the improved seed to the farmer, providing training for 85 model farmers on improved fruit and vegetables.”

Plus, about 250 farmers from Seka Chekorsa and Manna woredas have become beneficial of a project design for hen and fish production by students. About 25,000 improved hens were distributed to farmers, he noted.

“The college has been working in cooperative research base in four areas; cross breeding, providing vaccination for animal diseases protection, natural forest conservation from this 16 hectares of land recovery from eroded vet over grass given to farmers, irrigation developing by two water pump provided for two woredas this can develop 80 hectares.”

And also the college provides training for the farmer to produce quality and improved agricultural crops and introducing modern technology farming techniques.

The university offers training on modern farming system and hen as well as fish production with a view to equipping the farmers with the required knowledge to this end, he added.

In line with this, the university has been also delivering animal diagnosis, treatment and vaccination: on anthraxes disease for more than one million animals per year.

Regarding soil and water conservation, around Bulbule about 16 hectares of land tree planting was carried out and rehabilitation program has been done on 200,000 vets. Moreover, various types of grasses have been planted by farmers in order to restore the deforestation areas, he noted.

“Two giant water irrigation pumps were granted to farmers holding 100 times horse force generator provided for two woredas and one bought by 1.5 million Birr and this can develop and cover 85 hectares of farm land.”

As to Dr. Fikadu, the agriculture college also examines, follows up works and creates market linkages for farmers..

In terms of introducing post-harvest technology, he said after the college helped farmers to harvest the crops by putting or depositing them in cold room store in turn this method make the harvested crops to be unspoiled for sometimes.

The college distributed improved seed of maize, wheat, bean, rice, mango, moringa and coffee for the farmers, as a result, their income has shown increase and they have ensured food safety net as well, he said.

Jimma University has been awarded in science and technology works on chicken incubators flourishing and now the governments is financially supporting this sector and at a time 7000 chickens are hatched.

And also provides training for coffee producer farmer in advanced coffee species, and how to drying up coffee for export purposes.

The university is working under the motto: “We are in the Community.” since its establishment.

The Ethiopian Herald July 26/2019


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