Discover Gena festival!

Gena, the Birth of Jesus Christ, is celebrated warmly and colorfully throughout Ethiopia. However, the celebration of the day is marked in an exceptional manner at Lalibela and takes very special spectacles than the other parts of the country.

When the festival of Gena is approaching, hundreds of thousands of local and foreign pilgrims head to Lalibela town; one of the most important pilgrimage places of Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity and one of the world heritage sites.

Lalibela, located in the north of the country, is a town known for its rock cut monolithic churches. The Rock-hewn churches of Lalibela are among the prominent Ethiopian heritages included on the UNESCO list.

The principal edifices of the rock hewn churches of Lalibela that are included in the World Heritage List are the Churches of Medhane Alem, Maryam, Ammanuel, Giyorgis and Golgota-Mikail. The 11 medieval monolithic cave churches of this 13th-century ‘New Jerusalem’ are situated in a mountainous region in the heart of Ethiopia near a traditional village with circular-shaped dwellings some 645 km from Addis Ababa. Lalibela is a high place of Ethiopian Christianity, still today a place of pilgrimage and devotion.

The mystery of the rock hewn churches of Lalibela architectural design, durability, sacredness, and historical recordings among others make the church to be one of the leading centers of religious pilgrims in Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Gena is the peak season where a large number of international and local tourists’ arrival is registered in Lalibela.

The Rock Hewn churches of Lalibela generate the largest tourism revenue to the country through attracting numerous local and international tourists. The tourism sector has been highly affected by the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and the conflict occurred in the northern part of the country which in turn cast a shadow over the income of the residents of the town and the nation.

However, these days following the peace sustained in the area, preparations are finalized to welcome guests and celebrate Gena at Lalibela.

Lalibela Town Mayor Wondimnew Wodaje told local media that preparations are finalized to colorfully celebrate this year’s Gena at the Rock Hewn Churches of Lalibela.

In his message in connection with the celebration of the annual Gena festival, the Mayor underscored that the town administration is closely working with pertinent stakeholders to welcome guests cordially.

Despite being the leading international and local tourist destination, the ancient Lalibela Town’s tourism sector had been highly affected due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the conflict broke out in the northern part of the country, he added.

Currently, the administration is undertaking various measures to stimulate Lalibela’s tourism environment through actively working with every stakeholder, he said.

According to him, a committee has been established to facilitate the celebration process of the festival. Religious fathers, youths, investors, government bodies, among others are working proactively to celebrate this year’s Gena colorfully at Lalibela.

The Mayor also calls upon all Ethiopians and foreign visitors to celebrate Ethiopian Gena at Lalibela.

On his part, Amhara State Communication Bureau Head Mengesha Fentaw (PhD) said that preparations are finalized to facilitate safe road and air transportation for guests who want to attend Gena and Timket festivals at Lalibela and Gondar, respectively.

So far, the State is actively working to resume road transportation in every corner of the State. Security forces are ready to ensure peace and security so as to maintain the safety of travellers. Currently, air transportation services are available in Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, Gondar, and Lalibela, he said.

As to him, road transportation services will be given after the renovation works are completed on the damaged roads. Security forces are also working day in, day out to ensure sustainable peace in the areas. The community is also working in coordination with security forces to ensure lasting peace in some restive areas of the State.

Moreover, some foreign media houses are intentionally disseminating fake news targeting to tarnish the good image of the country and weaken the stimulating Ethiopia’s tourism sector, he indicated.

“Such moves affect the lives of the community dependent on rendering touristic services for the tourists. The international and local tourists’ inflow to such areas could be highly affected if such media reports are intentionally disseminated.”

He also urged such groups to abstain from such activities and underscored the role and engagement of every segment of the society to activate the tourist destinations and return to normalcy. Successive discussions are also being undertaken with the community to support the struggling tourism sector development.

Nowadays, internet services have been restored in some parts of the State to ease tourists’ challenges; and facilitate tourist service providers’ services including accommodation.

In sum, the Gena festival in Lalibela during this season will immensely contribute to stimulate the country’s tourism industry. Gena is a great milestone to maintain indigenous cultural celebrations and gives a chance to inherit forefathers’ cultural festivities to the future generations. More than hundreds of thousands people annually flow to Lalibela to attend the Ethiopian Gena festival and closely witness its ceremonial process.

All Ethiopians eagerly await the annual Lalibela Gena festival. Every Ethiopian is expected to visit Lalibela at least once in their lifetime because it is considered as the second Jerusalem for Ethiopia’s Christians.

In most parts of the country the one who visited the Rock Hewn churches of Lalibela is considered to be sacred and maintain life in heaven after death. That is why people give credits to the visitors; and they request the almighty God to enable them to visit the church and sanctify themselves.

Tourists who wish to see the most impressive Christmas ceremony in Ethiopia should go to the Holy City of Lalibela.



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