Nation works to improve refugee lives

ADDIS ABABA- Nefas Silk Polytechnic Vocational College graduated 74 first batch refugees from five countries in four fields yesterday after six-month training.

Speaking on the ceremony, Deputy Director General of Agency for Refugee and Returnee Affairs (ARRA) Addisu Kebenessa said, “We are proud to prepare this program to help refugees whom we have receivedfrom different countries. As Ethiopia is hosting 900,000 refugees and provides them with basic needs, today’s program is the beginning of several programs we are planning to accomplish in the future to improve the lives of the refugees. Through providing them with work and training, we let them feel safe.”

The Deutsche Gesellschaft for International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) that has been working in Partnership with the Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education has supported the college’s effort of offering relevant training for the refugees.The refugee graduateswho are from Yemen, Sudan, Eretria, Congo and Ivory coast were trained in Auto mechanics, Food preparation and Bakery, Garment and Welding.

The ceremony was attended by head of Addis Ababa TVET Agency, deputy head of Development Cooperation from Germany Embassy, family of graduates and other stakeholders.

The Ethiopian Herald July 26/2019


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