AHIF boosts Ethiopia’s tourism industry:Stakeholders

• To be held in Addis Ababa in September

The tourism industry has huge economic importance. But developing countries’ especially African countries’ are often constrained by the lack of infrastructure development, air connectivity and financing. Ethiopia is an example. The country is known for its beautiful landscape and rich ancient culture. And it has immense natural, cultural and historical attractions, but it is largely untapped on tourism market.

Comfortable hotels play a vital role in attracting tourists. But, until recently, Ethiopia did not have enough hotels recognized under international rankings or ratings. This made it hard for visitors to judge the quality of a hotel.To support this, the government adopted a policy that allows duty-free imports of hotel furniture, fixtures and equipment. It also provides for favorable loans to investors for the construction of new rated hotels.

Ethiopia’s tourism sector showed a steady increase in the last decade. Especially, the hotel industry in Addis Ababa is booming. One of the various reasons for this development is that the city is a buzzing hub of economic, social and political activity and home to such notable offices as the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.

Addis Ababa has the third highest number of diplomatic missions in the world,sometimes referred to as the capital of Africa. There has been a visible increase in the number of tourists in Addis Ababa after PM Dr. Abiy Ahmed’s rapid reforms. But these increments are not sufficient to fuel Ethiopia’s ambition to become a powerhouse tourist destination in Africa.

This year’s Africa Hotel Investment Forum (AHIF) will be held in Addis Ababa between the 23rd and 25th September at Sheraton Addis Hotel. AHIF was previously held in Addis Ababa in 2014 and 2015.The forum is organized by Bench Global Business Events in collaboration with Calibra Hospitality Consultancy and Business Plc and relevant government institutions in Ethiopia –Tourism Ethiopia, Ethiopian Investment Commission and others.

Matthew Weihs, the Managing Director of Bench Global Business Events, stated that when AHIF returns to Addis Ababa at the end of September. It could bring over one and a half million dollars in direct benefit to the local economy, an additional two million dollars in indirect benefit and over a quarter a million in tax to the Ethiopian host government if spending at the 2019 event is a mere 10% more than when it was held in the city in 2014.

“The primary purpose of AHIF is to facilitate dialogue and ultimately deal-making between the top business people present”, he said.“I am aware of more serious investors coming with more money behind them than ever before, so it feels to me that the hospitality industry in Africa is rapidly becoming more mature and sophisticated”, he added.

He reported that looking back over the history of AHIF since the first conference in Casablanca in 2011, the event has made a total impact on the local host economies of $21.24 million of which $8.64 million is direct and $12.6 is indirect.On her part, Lensa Mekonnen, Chief Executive Officer of Tourism Ethiopia said that AHIF will provide an excellent opportunity to welcome the cream of the hotel industry to Ethiopia.

According to her, the main aim is to show them local assets and thereby attract more international-standard hotel and resort brands to establish themselves close to Ethiopia’s historical, natural and cultural sites, in addition to the capital city.“By promoting regionally balanced development, we will attract more tourists to Ethiopia and encourage them to stay longer”, she added.

Temesgen Tilahun, Deputy Commissioner of Ethiopian Investment Commission, stated that the forum is used to us as initial point to promote tourism industry.According to him, this event is very important for Ethiopia basically, because the country’s tourism sector in general and hotel industry sector in particular are left behind. So, this forum is important for us to learn how the industry is works.

“It is a good platform for us to attract related African and global companies those are experienced in this sector”, he said.

The Ethiopian Herald July 26/2019


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