Ethiopia endeavors to protect its migrant workers’ right: Ministry

ADDIS ABABA – Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs announced that the country is working to protect the right of its migrant workers.

Abaje Tariku Communication Specialist of ILO Project under the Ministry said that Ethiopia had been sending human power to different parts of the world without giving the highest attention for the rights of migrants.

However now, the country has signed an agreement with different countries to protect the rights of its migrant workers.

In most cases, Ethiopia is known by sending unskilled household workers to different Arab countries. However now, the nation has signed agreements with various countries to send semi-skilled labor power.

He also said, it is now preparing to send 50,000 semi-skilled workers to UAE, he remarked.

As to him, the workers before they travel to destination countries will be provided with short term training.

He said, the Ministry will facilitate all the processes based on the set legal frameworks and agreements. This is expected to curtail all forms of illegal migration.

According to him, similar agreements are expected to be signed with Japan and European nations to ensure the right of movement of citizens and reduce the burden of unemployment.

As part of this program, Japan has agreed to provide medical and training services to migrant workers.

Basazen Deribew Senior Communication Officer with the Ministry on his part said that though the government has been creating job opportunities for millions of people within the country, sending workers to abroad has its own advantage to reduce unemployment.

As to him, the agreement signed with different countries has great advantage to protect the human rights of prospective workers.

The Ethiopian Herald July 24/2019


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