New approaches, strategies in curbing migration challenges

In recent years, Ethiopia is facing migration challenges for a number of reasons. Its citizens migrate in large numbers throughout the year in search of better opportunities abroad. It is obvious that, this mass migration could pose multiple social, economic and political challenges both on the country of origin as well as destination countries.

Academicians and experts in the field encourage stakeholders to develop a working strategy and address these phenomena through adopting and applying ethical approaches that consider the well-being of individuals and communities. They believe by implementing effective strategies to reach out the victims and learn the pushing factors that drive migrants pave create informed community. The ultimate goal of the approaches should center on promoting citizens to remain and contribute to the nation’s development and make informed decisions.

According to various sources, a range of factors are leading individuals to leave their home country. Identifying these drivers in advance should be given due attentions as it is significant in formulating effective solutions.

Some of the push factors could be economic reasons, such as limited job opportunities and low wages, often leading individuals to seek greener pastures elsewhere. Political instability, social unrest, and conflicts are also additional factors that could cause migration upsurge. Furthermore, the lack of access to education, healthcare, and basic services also contributes to the desire for a better life abroad.

Migration impacts could be positive or negative. For instance, migrants could remit finance for family members and loved ones through legal procedure that could benefit the nation in terms of foreign currency. The remittance plays boosting foreign currency crunch. On other side, migration also could cause the loss of skilled labor and potential loss of original countries development.

Additionally, when people migrate the social fabric of those communities is disrupted as well as families are separated, and traditions and cultural practices and values are eroded.

History tells migration challenges have been a significant concern in East Africa, with individuals departing home country seeking better economic opportunities, for safety, and social stability on a daily basis. Experts recommend a number of ways to effectively address these prevailing challenges, through strengthening regional coordination among East African countries. One of the recommendations putting in place collaborative approach among stakeholders and establishing comprehensive strategies to manage migration, promoting human rights, and ensuring the well-being of all individuals involved.

Recently, during the validation workshop on the revised Migration Action Plan (MAP) 2024–2028, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) member states are urged to harmonize policies to address the issue of migration with a view to ensuring safe, orderly, and well-managed migration in the region.

IGAD Health and Social Development Division Director Fathia Alwan told local media that the IGAD action plan considers the changing migration dynamics within the region by incorporating new strategies and approaches to protect the wellbeing of migrants and refugees throughout their journey.

The Director said that IGAD has brought all members together to revise the policy on migration, which aligns with the Africa Union (AU) and the broader global compact on migration.

“Migration is a complex phenomenon that requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach. The IGAD migration policy framework set out a strategic vision and also a guiding principle to ensure a safe, orderly and well managed migration with in our region,” she said.

East Africa is a region of migrants because most of our member states are countries of origin, destination, and transition, she noted.

“We have been at the forefront in bringing member states together because migration is not the issue of one country. We want to see how our member states can actually work together, harmonize policies, and also address the issue of migration together,” she said.

Accordingly, the issue requires intergovernmental organizations or all neighbors to work together in cooperation. The plan will translate into concrete action providing also a road map for effective implementation, she said adding that IGAD is confident that inputs during this meeting will contribute significantly to the finalization of the action plan and also reinforce commitment to a coordinated and harmonized approach to migration governance in the region.

National Partnership Coalition Secretariat Head Abraham Ayalew for his part said that governing migration with a comprehensive approach is very important especially in the region; to this end Ethiopia has crafted its migration policy.

He added that this IGAD action plan is very much helpful to our efforts and it reflects Ethiopia’s realities and soon after “we validated this action plan; we expect to align our national efforts and engagement with this important document.”

“Strengthening the capacity to address irregular migration in the IGAD region is very important. As you all know human trafficking, smuggling of migrants and also irregular labor migration are serious challenges of Ethiopia and the IGAD region. Consequently tackling irregular migration is one of the key policy issues outlined under the IGAD regional migration policy framework,” he said.

Therefore, through regional coordination, countries can exchange information about migration patterns, trends, and risks. This knowledge sharing enables governments to make informed decisions, develop targeted policies, and allocate resources to address specific migration challenges effectively.

What is more, the government has been taking various measures to ease the challenges of migration among youths and women in Ethiopia. To address the economic push factors driving migration, it is essential to focus on improving job prospects within Ethiopia. This can be achieved through strategic investment in sectors with high growth potential, such as agriculture, infrastructure, and manufacturing. By creating sustainable employment opportunities, individuals will be less likely to consider migration as their only means for economic advancement.

Curbing migration challenges in Ethiopia requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses the various factors driving individuals to seek opportunities abroad. By implementing ethical strategies, such as enhancing economic opportunities, strengthening education and skills development, addressing social and political challenges, and improving healthcare and basic services, Ethiopia can create an environment that encourages its citizens to remain and contribute to the nation’s growth. Through these efforts, Ethiopia can build a brighter future for all its citizens while retaining its invaluable human capital, the experts underscored.



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