Ethiopia’s mediating capability bearing fruit in Sudan: Experts

ADDIS ABABA — Ethiopia’s role in unlocking Sudan political crisis in constructive and productive ways proves country’s mediation potential, said experts.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Dr. Fasil Nahom, A politician and Law Lecturer at Addis Ababa University said that the power-sharing agreement reached between Sudan’s military and the protesters is a great success. It is a sign that hope is resonating among Africans to resolve conflicts in peaceful manner.

Ethiopia has been aggressively working to maintain peace and security not only in the Horn, but also in other parts of the continent.

According to him, its involvement in Somalia, Liberia, Rwanda as well as Democratic Congo among others are good indications to its firm commitment to sustain peace and security issues.

“In my view, the jubilation on the street of Sudan verifies how the people at the grass root level have appreciated the mediation efforts of Ethiopia. The mediation has significant role in shaping the Sudan political crisis as well as to the region to build trust among nations and the Sudanese

 peoples towards Ethiopia.”

According to him, Ethiopia has stepped up efforts to facilitate a peace deal between the military forces and the protesters to resolve the disputing issues in a wise approach.

Ethiopia had been working with both sides from the very beginning of the crisis. The envoy that was headed by the Prime Minster Abiy Ahmed had been inducing both sides to resolve their difference in a peaceful manner and positive result is registered. This is part of Premier’s commitment towards peace and security in the region.

Ethiopia’s role in mediation process and the way it handled the delicate issues was noticeable and assures nation’s capability to manage regional issues. This is a showcase how Ethiopia’s proficiency to resolve conflicts in peaceful manner is growing.

The political weight of Ethiopia and its neutral role in the Sudanese crisis would offer best chance to the situation to unlock the impasse, halt the violence and bear productive ending.

Ministry of Finance, Spokesperson Nebiyat Getachew on his part said that there was an increase pressure at regional and international level to find a way for Sudanese problems.

Following this pressure, Prime Minister Abiy has exerted efforts and called on both sides to resolve their difference in a peaceful dialogue.

A special envoy led by Ambassador Mohammad Dirir has also worked restlessly. And subsequent to the efforts, Sudan’s Transitional Military Council (TMC) announced agreement on the proposal presented by the African-Ethiopian mediation to resolve the political crisis in the country.

As dialogue remains the only viable option for resolving the political crisis in Sudan and holding peaceful transition, Ethiopia’s role in resolving the crisis ensure the stability of the region and beyond, he added.

“In my view, the two parties have built trust in Ethiopia because it is a neutral and impartial country. Prime Minister’s effort to arbitrate Sudan’s political crisis by urging Sudan’s military and civilian oppositions to exercise dialogue, settle conflicts in a peaceful manner and restore peace is a ‘bravery’ act.”

The crisis, apart from taking the lives of many Sudanese, it has destructed towns and cities.

Ethiopia had been advocating African problems because it should be handled by Africans themselves. The country has made this practical by dealing on various Africa predicaments; and it will keep on working with stakes to restore stability, he confirmed.

The Ethiopian Herald July 24/2019


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