Agreement between Ministry, Agencies vital for boosting economy

ADDISS ABABA—the agreement signed between Government Developmental Agencies and Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs would be important to ensure smooth relationships and enhances productivity of organizations.

Speaking to the Ethiopian Herald State Minister at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Ayelech Eshete said that supportive and cooperative works and discussions which could create common consensuses are necessary to improve the country’s economy. ‘‘Government developmental agencies have huge role in alleviating unemployement and facilitating economic development.

The agencies mobilize huge capital and mega projects which have the capacity to absorb and maintain lots of employees. Hence, they should have to discuss on the wellbeing of their employees with pertinent stakeholders,’’ she stated. As to her, the Employees associations need to sign with its presidents and ministry of labor and social affairs to create peaceful workplace and to enhance productivuity. ‘‘They have to outline a plan that helps them to solve the challenges facing them.

They have to work in collaboration with since hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians are employeed in mega projects that could mobilze huge capital. Besides, the relationship with private sector should be strengthened,’’ he added. So far, six labour associations unions have singed the bilateral agreement and a numbers of lobar unions are yet to sign it, according to the State Minister.

For his part Engineer Getahun Hussein, President of the Confederation of Ethiopian Labor Unions (CELU) insists the bilateral agreement has many benefits for the associations, labor unions and employees.

‘‘The government offers technical supports to solve the problem before they get surfaced. It consults with stakeholders on ways of solving the challenges. This creates ample opportunity to enhance productivity and safeguared the rights and previlage workrs,’’ he undelined. President of Confederation of Ethiopian employer Unions (CEEU), Dawite Alemu said that his union has been striving to safeguared the right of employees so as to boost productivity and ecnomic growth.

‘‘Conducive working environment is very important to boost produce and productivity. Thus, we are working to ensure this in collaboration with our partners. We are endevouring to develop work ethics and culture in all sectors.’’ Finally, they urged others employee, employer and labor associations to take similar measures by signing the agreement to ensure green and sustainable development and to realize peaceful, stable and prosperous country

Herald December 23/2018


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