Ethiopia’s green campaign infinitely rewarding

The author of The Green Lifestyle Handbook, Claudine Schneide once wrote, “A healthy ecology is the basis for a healthy economy” which tells us that a well-established economic progress can only be achieved in a global arena where nature is well protected through planting trees.

Indeed, green infrastructure, environmentally friendly technology, clean energy, planet-reserving finance, sustainable economic development on a global scale and the like can be attained with sustained efforts, prudent policy and relentless investment in green development.

Cognizant of this reality, Ethiopia has been playing a leading role in developing green economy for years. Its relentless efforts for decades in environmental rehabilitation unquestionably can have far reaching positive impact across the globe. For instance, through implementing programmes of the Climate Resilient Green Economy strategy that accelerates renewable energy development and energy efficiency, Ethiopia has carried out exceptional deeds to contribute its share in global campaign to curb the global warming.

It’s certain that the efforts of some vulnerable countries like Ethiopia cannot adequately reduce emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change without economic support from the developed world. It seems that some major economies are not paying proper attention to the extent the problem requires.

In fact, whoever still seem to deny the consequences of climate change and believe it as merely an environmental issue ought to reconsider their assertion. The results of climate change are also essentially our issue because of their devastating effect on our lives. They upset our entire livelihood and threaten development at large.

It is true that by far, the poor nations like Ethiopia are facing the burden from the consequences without contributing to the cause while the rich who are contributing a great deal in creating the problem can devise several means to save themselves.

The UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights recently presented a report on climate change and poverty stating that climate change threatens the full enjoyment of a wide range of rights, resources, food and good health through flickering conflicts and aggravating all current forms of insecurity.

Not only these days, for years, Ethiopia, being aware of the terrible impact of climate change on development and how it so unfairly affects people living in poverty, has been calling for an integrated approach to combatting climate change that benefits both the environment and development goals. Besides calling the developed nations to realize the magnitude of the problem and work for the solution, it has included the green economy into its national development plan and has been planting massive seedlings for more than a couple of decades.

In addition to previous prudent efforts, Ethiopia is transplanting four billion seedlings in urban and rural areas of the country this rainy season. Citizens in the whole states of the nation are diligently planting the seedlings. As the current rate continues, the accomplishment shall surely exceed the national plan, four billion seedlings. This is considered to be the greatest campaign in history. Even, for 200 million saplings are to be planted in 12 hours on Monday, July 29, Ethiopia shall hit Guinness World Records.

One may ask, “Why Ethiopia has engaged itself in investing hugely in green economy?” The answer: unlike other developed nations, Ethiopia has become aware of the lasting damage of climate shocks which drives the poor country deeper into poverty. It also believes that the poor cannot resist or adapt themselves to it for they have fewer resources to develop resilience. Hence, persistent, committed effort to develop high-quality green economy is a solution to the global warming!

The views entertained in this ar­ticle do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald

The Ethiopian Herald July 23, 2019

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