Oromia sets to exceed Green Legacy Nat’l plan

ADDIS ABABA – The Oromia Agriculture and Natural Resource Bureau said it would plant 250 million trees in a day surpassing the nation’s goal of planting 200 million saplings on Monday, July 29, 2019.

Approached by The Ethiopian Herald, Bureau Deputy Head Endalkachew Teferi said that the abundant availability of saplings, holes and manpower coupled with committed leadership would enable the State to exceed the goal of the national greenery program.

“A special committee was established to the Green Legacy day and 250 million holes were prepared at the state level,” he

 said, adding that extensive activities are underway to increase the number of planted saplings to 300 million through active public participation.

Endalkachew stated that a technical committee comprises of the State’s bureaus of Urban Development, Agriculture and Natural Resource, Environment and Forest Conservation as well as Forest Enterprise has finalized its readiness for the reforestation programs. A steering committee has also been formed to supervise the activities of the technical committee and major reforestation sites have been identified through GPS.

The comprehensive awareness raising activities on the impact of climate change in farming and pastoral activities have been brought about remarkable outcomes in ensuring public’s active participation in the reforestation schemes. “Out of the five billion Birr estimated cost of planting two billion saplings in Oromia, public labor is covered 60 percent of the required expenses.”

Regarding the conservation of planted trees, the Deputy Bureau Head said that lack of follow up mechanism and ownership related problems are identified as root causes of the drain of saplings in previous reforestation programs. To address challenges, the bureau has prepared a new agreement that requires the public and other stakeholders to assume the responsibility to take care of the trees they planted at least for two years.

Dozens of experts are deployed to provide technical support for the public and other bodies that are taking part in the reforestation schemes and the professionals brief the latter on the scientific ways of planting and conserving trees and closely monitor the execution of the agreement.

“The State leadership is committed to the vision of becoming a climate- resilient country and has so far planted close to one billion saplings in Oromia,” Endalkachew noted, adding that extensive preparations are underway to seed more seedlings in identified sites.

The Ethiopian Herald July 23, 2019


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