Interest, number of companies engaged in the mining sector is snowballing

ADDIS ABABA- The passion of companies for engaging in the mining sector is mounting in the nation, disclosed Ministry of Mines, Petroleum and Natural Gas.

As to the Ministry, in the just departed fiscal year it has discharged tasks effectively and achieved goals more than the set plan. Regarding giving the approval for mining companies, it has succeeded in issuing 24 authorizations for companies.

Minister Samuel Burkatu (Ph.D.) told to EPA’s journalists that this success shows that investors’ willingness and eagerness to come to Ethiopia are getting high.

About a 4.95 billion Birr capital investment has been registered testifying that effective mining investment is increasing in the country.

Additional companies are requesting to invest on the sector. The ministry will give them approval down the road.

And when the ministry gives a go ahead to the agreement after screening, the sector will play a greater role in boosting the country’s economy.

Regarding petroleum, the ministry has not signed an agreement with companies this year as companies need to have account outside the nation and the national bank’s protocol does not permit that, Samuel said.

On the other hand, MIDROC Gold Mining Company had been closed as per communities’ request but not for political or other issues, the Minister said. So, as to the research result conducted by international advisor and Ethiopian Public Health Institute, the chemicals that the company poses health hazards, as to him.

Due to this sad unfolding, some have lost job opportunities and other advantages. Obviously, the sitiuation curtails country’s foreign exchange earnings. But as to the Minister, they have given priority to community health as that is mandatory.

The Ethiopian Herald July 21/2019


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