Let us see to reason, heed the PM to spare the country a fall from precipice

 “Diaspora community and Ethiopians here need to let Abiy Ahmed exercise Leadership” so remarked Dr. Moha Farah Jire, multiple-awards-achiever-investigative journalist, and political Analyst.

The Ethiopian Herald Interviewed her while online about her take on the current situation of Ethiopia.

She said “Indeed, I feel sad to witness 2019. Ethiopians must go ways far back the civilization of good old days, without cornering fellow Ethiopians to another extreme corner which could be difficult to backpedal from. We can share and live together with love unless there are hidden agendas’ of deliberately making the country fragmental.

“History is in the making beyond the current trauma and dilemma of superiority. Neighbouring countries remained watching us closely wondering what is going wrong with their role model neighbour.Let us feel ashamed of what we have done wrong so far and try hard to regain our lost name.”

She added, Ethiopia is remembered of leadership, assisting the chaotic neighbours while role modeling the rest of the continent. It is strange to expect from Ethiopia a civil war brokerage or ethnic clashes. Witnessing the current excessive domestic outbreaks of violence is a gloomy sign and need to be controlled now or never, said Moha.

 Even if people may be emotional and demand more than done by the current leadership, yet it is the PM and his team’s responsibility to try hard, investing time and consulting political experts who have concern over the unity of Ethiopia and its stability so full trust can be restored.

Although “I have suggested this to Prime Minister last year, when he believed freeing every one including criminals was exercising the highest peak of democracy”, I advised him personally, I have foreseen law and order was about to be jeopardized in that way. ”

I am not a politician, I don’t favour politics but for sure one thing I know from Africa’s history and suggested to him “Do not open all the doors at once, ”

 “The country had been under dictatorship for decades. Unless we encourage chaotic situations from all the country, please do not free killers. Also do not believe the country will run smoothly unless we wisely think twice.”

“Now I feel sad to hear some of the former political prisoners had attempted a coup! I recalled that discussion we had and felt if he could at least digested the idea and thought in-depth about it. We yet expect to see the investigations result of the suspected coup.”

However again I remind the innocent Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, who proves brilliant and hard worker technocrat, that politics needs tough decisions. Ethiopia survived unitedly

 by exercising government secrecy and a strong rule of law. Therefore it could be a great strategy to inherit and practice all these as the current situation seems a chaos where all citizens are ready to rule the country with the PM.

She went on to say, “Ethiopia’s Unity is stronger than tension seekers’ agenda. Ethiopia is a great country

 with amazing people who are more nationalists. But, here and there, citizens, at times, may disagree with the current leadership. Strategically corrections and control of the situation are called for before we see the country in irreversible place. Thus that doesn’t motivate us to rush into dismantling the country by quoting constitutional rights alluding to the infamous article 39.

Dr. Moha Called Ethiopians to give time and space to Dr. Abiy Ahmed to exercise leadership and rule the country without aborting all his efforts. She reminded all Ethiopians, especially diaspora who seems influential to think bigger and wiser than today, “politicians come and go but let us treasure the country!” she advised.

Dr. Moha has massive experience in Peacemaking, Reconciliation, where she took part in South Sudan’s independence and Kenya’s presidential election crises in 2007. Dr. Moha Jire, is well respected throughout the continent and famous for peacemaking, and stability and democratization activist. She was an advisor to the AUC chairman Jean Ping and as well PM Haile Mariam. She is a true African and a greatly respected Ethiopian. She was referred to “Iron Lady”.

The Ethiopian Herald July 21/2019


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